Zoe held still. Did she not want to meet her because she hated her?

He rubbed her arm, having noticed that she froze. “She told me to tell you that she only left to help the queen combat this ridiculous situation with the Witches’ Council, and she needed time to shop to spoil you and the boys.”

“Nothing against your mother, Gage, but how can she help?”

“I think she will be testifying, explaining how detrimental it can be to live day in and day out with someone who is not your mate.”

Zoe inhaled her wine and coughed. “Gods Gage, I had forgotten about that.”

“She made an excellent point. Even if that paper had been valid, once you met me, it because useless. She said that Prince Magnus has been working on getting arranged matings declared illegal. I have a feeling Ari’s father and elder brother will also be weighing in on this as well.”

She sipped her wine. “Why?”

“They almost lost Declan Lionhart when he tried to mediate between a vampire and wolf-shifter. The vampire had claimed that the wolf stole his mate when in reality, Rachelle was true mates with Peter Hernandez, the wolf-shifter. If Jedrek and Rex can argue that these types of conflicts can be deadly and dangerous to our society, it would be nearly impossible to argue against.”

Gage shook his head. “What I don’t understand is why they thought that scroll would get them what they wanted.”

She rested her head against him. “Ian had to explain it to me too. Imagine this scenario, but what if I had been called to Lycaonia instead? Karl shows up in an official capacity, as a representative of a ruling faction in Storm Keep and with a valid document.”

“To avoid political fallout, I would have probably been handed over, even if it was only meant to be temporary. That’s all they would have needed. I have a feeling once I would have stepped foot back in Storm Keep, no one would have ever seen me again.” She drew in a ragged breath. “But here, what the queen says goes. I don’t think Karl is used to dealing with those who have complete sovereignty over their people.”

Gage rested his chin on the top of her head. “Why do you think they are willing to anger the queen to get you?”

She shrugged. “I’m not sure. My entire life, I was told I was useless as a witch. Once I became Fire Temple head, Andrei said I was finally earning my keep because I was doing all the paperwork.”

“Did he ever…”

She shook her head. “He never lay a hand on me. His words were venomous enough to keep me in line.”

She felt Gage exhale in relief. “I’m still going to kill him.”

“I know, dear. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, my darling.”

She took another sip of wine. It felt good to have a family again.

Chapter Thirteen

The next morning Zoe woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she had two sets of brilliant blue peepers staring down at her. “You boys hungry?” she asked. They nodded. “You could have gone downstairs. I’m sure the guys would have tripped over themselves to feed you.”

Ame shrugged.

She looked past Yuki and shook her head. Gage hadn’t moved. “Come on, let’s leave Sleeping Beauty here and grab some breakfast.”

Both boys smiled.

She went to the bathroom, washed up, and changed into a new robe. She held up one of the only green ones she had, smiling. She clearly remembered Gage’s reaction to it. It was one of the few robes that rendered him speechless. Slipping it on, she waited while it adjusted, then twirled in front of the mirror. She loved how formal it looked yet remained as comfortable as pajamas.

She opened the door, and both boys stepped forward to take her hands. When they got to the bedroom door, Yuki opened it for them, so they wouldn’t have to let go of her.

They made their way downstairs and into the dining hall. When the men saw her, they all stood. Paris hurried over and pulled out their chairs for them. The boys waited until she was sitting before they sat. Ame to her immediate right and Yuki on his other side.

“What will it be?” Govannon asked, from the doorway to the kitchen.

“What’s available?”

“Eggs, toast, and bacon are standard. Kael managed to find probably the only box of cereal in all of Éire Danu yesterday. I’ve had to chase Ramsey away from it twice, reminding him it was brought in for the boys.”