A flash of annoyance was replaced by understanding. Kendrick met the boys' eyes. “I don’t love her in the same way that the two of you do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her equally. She’s the mouthy, little genius that challenges me at every turn, and I cherish that more than you could ever know. I ask that you trust me to handle this for Meryn and Zoe.”

“Make them suffer,” Gage ordered.

Kendrick’s eyes flashed with an eagerness that shocked her. “Oh, I plan on it,” he promised.

Zoe leaned up and kissed the underside of Gage’s jaw. Looking surprised, he returned the gesture by kissing her forehead.

Zoe feeling better, glanced over to where Meryn sat, still looking pale. “Meryn, don’t forget, Aiden bought you brownies,” she reminded the small woman.

Meryn blinked, then her eyes quickly focused on the table. She turned this way and that looking for Ryuu. “Where are my sex brownies?” she asked.

Ryuu stared. “If you are referring to the stack of pastry boxes that Cord was rearranging, they are in the kitchen. Would you like one?”

Meryn scowled. “One?”

Ryuu sighed. “Would you like a dozen or so?”

Meryn cackled evilly, seeming more like herself. “Yes, please.” She turned to Nigel and Neil. “Brace yourselves.”

Neil looked skeptical. “Really?”

Pip’s entire body shuddered. “So-o-o good.”

Both boys licked their lips.

Gage stood. “I’m taking my mate and new brothers home unless you need us.” Across the table, Ari, Brie, Priest, and Kincaid also stood.

Aiden, the queen, and Kendrick all shook their heads before the queen responded. “You are safe here in my city Zoe. Put this horrible episode from your mind and enjoy your time with Gage, Ame, and Yuki.”

“Thank you again, Your Majesty.”

Zoe wiggled until Gage put her down. She curtsied, and the boys bowed in unison.

The queen smiled. “Aren’t the children adorable?” she asked her mate.

Brennus wrapped his arm around the queen’s shoulders. “The gods have been kind to surround us with so many young ones.”

Taking her hand, Gage led them out of the room and toward the path that would take them home.


As it was dinner time, Zoe knew they’d catch the guys in the dining hall. Sure enough, when they got home, they headed straight to where the men were getting ready to eat. Ari winked at her as he and the rest of the Tau unit filed in and sat down in their normal seats.

“Ho, ho Gage. What have you there?” Balder asked.

The men turned to where she and Gage stood in the doorway. Behind her, Ame, then Yuki poked the heads around her to look at the men.

“Did you have babies?” Broden asked.

Tiergan cuffed his fellow unit warrior. “That’s not how you get babies.”

Broden rubbed the back of his head. “Explain them then.”

Zoe blushed. “They are here to help me. Ame controls rain and Yuki snow. They’re the ones who will keep the villa from being burned to the ground,” she said, introducing the boys proudly.

Aeson stood. “They’re ours?”

Gage growled. “They’re mine and Zoe’s,” he corrected.