“It’s like earrings, but you can put them anywhere,” Meryn explained.

“It’s a decoration?”

She nodded.

When the man with multiple piercings and tattoos walked by, he noticed how Pip’s eyes followed him. He turned, scowling. “Whatcha lookin at?”

Zoe went to step between him and the strange man, but to her surprise, Pip moved forward. “I was admiring your metal decorations. My sister says that they are like earrings, but they can go anywhere.” Pip pointed to the man’s tattoos. “Is that like a warrior tattoo?”

The man went from hostile to friendly when faced with Pip’s sincerity. “Not that one, lil man. That one I got when my dog died.” He lifted his sleeve and pointed to an elaborate piece. “This is the one I got when I joined the service.”

Pip swallowed hard. “To have so many metal decorations and tattoos, you must be very brave and very strong.”

The man laughed. “It’s not so bad after the first couple.” He looked around and saw Gage, Pierce, Cam, and Liam. He gave a masculine-type nod acknowledging them. “I wouldn’t stick around here. Not many are as understanding as me,” he advised them. “Cops been dealing with more missing folk lately.”

Pierce looked to Izzy. “How much further?”

Izzy turned to the stranger. “We’re heading to Mugs.”

He pointed to the right. “Cut up Seventh and go from there. If you keep going down Market, it gets dicey.”

“We appreciate the heads up,” Gage said.

“Always willing to help a fellow serviceman.”

Gage chuckled. “How’d ya know?”

Zoe watched as her mate fell into a lazy mode of speech.

Pierce clapped Gage on the back. “I swear, even when you get out, there’s a permanent stamp on ya. I can always spot a brother in a crowd.”

The man laughed. “Ain’t that the truth.” He ruffled Pip’s hair. “Y’all stay safe.” He waved and resumed walking down the sidewalk.

“Well done, Gage. You fell into that role perfectly. Maybe when you’re done in Éire Danu, you can join us in Madison,” Cam complimented.

Gage just shook his head. “I won’t be done in Éire Danu for quite some time.”

Pip turned to Meryn. “You were right. Not all humans are nice, but some are.”

Pierce steered them down Seventh, and Izzy walked them to a nicer section of Madison. When she stopped and pointed, they were standing outside a large brick building. “This is Mugs.”

Gage held the door, and they walked in.

Zoe, along with Meryn and Izzy, inhaled deeply.

Without wasting a second, Meryn walked up to the counter.

“What can I get started for you?” the young man asked.

“I’d like to start a tab,” Meryn said, staring up at the menu.

The man stared. “Ma’am, we… we don’t do that here. Wait, how much were you going to order?”

Izzy stepped up. “She’ll have a quad shot decaf bittersweet mocha latte, thick. I’ll have a white chocolate raspberry mocha, and this young man will have the vanilla bean latte.” She turned to Zoe. “Did you know what you want?”

Zoe stared. “What language are you speaking?”

Izzy laughed. “More coffee or more chocolate?”