“What part of ‘Aiden will gut me’ is unclear,” Gage asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Meryn just kept walking. “It’s not like I need permission. I can go wherever I want as long as I’m not stupid and try to go alone.”

Pierce just followed along behind her. He pulled out his phone. “Code Menace, I repeat, Code Menace.” He tapped his phone and put it away.

Zoe had a feeling the warrior knew the score. Meryn was going to Madison, one way or another.

Gage walked beside Pierce. “What’s Code Menace?”

“Code Menace is the phrase the vanguard came up with when we heard she was visiting with Aiden. It means she has flown the coop, managed to escape Aiden, and needs an escort,” Pierce explained.

Meryn turned, so she was walking backward. “I love how the vanguard gets me.”

Pierce winked. “Remember, Meryn. Most vanguard are in an inactive status because we’ve completed a long term serving as unit warriors. We’ve seen a thing or two.”


Pip, walking backward, looked worried. “Meryn, will humans like me?”

Meryn stopped and turned to Pip. “What’s there not to like? You’re freaking adorable.”

Zoe edged closer. “I heard humans can be cruel.”

Pip nodded quickly. “And that they’re judgemental, even amongst their own kind.”

Meryn’s expression morphed into sadness. “It’s true most humans are assholes, but, for the most part, they’re decent. When push comes to shove, they tend to do the right thing.” She eyed Zoe. “If you have to accidentally start a fire, try to make it near something that can be explained as the source, like a grill or cigarette or something.”

Zoe swallowed hard. “I can’t really control it that much.”

Meryn shrugged. “Do your best.” She then resumed walking toward the city’s main portal. When they got there, the fae snapped to attention and, with their hands over their hearts, bowed low.

“Your Highness.”

“I’d like to go to Madison, please,” Meryn announced.

One of the guards looked apprehensive. “Are you sure, Your Highness? The ones killing the fae are still out there.”

Meryn pointed to Pierce and Gage. “I’m going with unit warriors and will be meeting up with vanguard on the other side of the portal. We won’t be gone long.”

The guard gave a half bow. “As you wish.”

Together, they activated the portal, and the second guard held out his elbow. “I will escort you and wait on the other side to open it for you when you return.”

Meryn placed her hand on his elbow in a dainty manner. “Thank you.”

Zoe felt her insides shaking in excitement. She reached for Gage’s hand. Just the simple gesture helped to calm her.

Together they walked through, and Zoe found herself inside a building. Looking around, it seemed like they were in someone’s family room.

Meryn looked around, confused. “Where are we? I thought this gate led to the woods.”

The guard smiled. “It can, but it can also open here at the vanguard estate. We thought this might be easier for you.”


“Welcome again, Menace,” a deep voice said from the foyer.

“Pay up, Cam,” the man next to him demanded, holding out his hand.