Ari sat, resting his elbows on his knees. “Aiden and the queen are opening an inquiry at the council level.”

Zoe shook her head. “The Witches’ Council operates outside the Elder Council, they will listen to what is said, but they rarely act on anything asked of them.”

“How does Storm Keep have two councils anyway?” Leon asked.

Carson sighed. “It was first suggested as more of a public works type of committee. It then evolved as a way of governing the city proper. It’s never been an issue before now as they don’t really go against Elder Council dictates.”

“Seems Prince Magnus was apprised of the situation already from a Caroline Edelweiss when she had to explain why she suddenly wanted to accept a standing job offer he extended over a hundred years ago,” Ari said.

Zoe sat up. “Is she okay?”

He nodded. “Prince Magnus made sure to send the Eta unit to collect her. He had already reached out to Byron to discuss options when the queen contacted him.” He looked to Zoe. “There is a major concern that a member of what is Storm Keep’s equivalent to a Founding Family could be treated in such a manner.”

“No one should be treated as I was, Founding Family or not,” she protested.

Ari held up a hand. “We have to start somewhere. If your family’s standing helps resolve this and puts in place measures for it never to happen again, it will be used.”

“Right now, the larger problem is keeping Meryn and the twins from retaliating,” Kincaid informed them, winking at her.

Zoe had to smile. Even though she had only known Meryn a few short days, it felt longer. They had truly bonded when the smaller woman helped to free her from her own mind.

“You’re smiling now, but I heard a rumor that they sent a drone into the holding cells and cast a diarrhea spell on Ivan DeLaFontaine,” Bastien said, grinning.

Ian and, surprisingly, Carson burst into laughter.

Kincaid smiled. “They see magic differently. I can’t tell you how much I have learned from all three of them.”

Ari stood and stretched. “Ryuu and Portia will be heading to Japan tomorrow to secure your attendant. That should help take the validity from the argument that you need the Witches’ Council’s help because of your magic.”

She went to respond and yawned instead. Gage stood and scooped her up again. “If you gentleman will excuse us, I want to make sure my mate gets some rest.”

Ari clapped him on the back. “We won’t let this go, Gage. For tonight, let us worry about it for you.”

Gage smiled and inclined his head to his unit leader. “Thank you.”

Zoe waved goodnight to the room and stuck her tongue out at Matthieu, who was wagging his eyebrows at her, causing him to laugh.

“What was that about?” Gage asked.

“Just the guys acting like brothers,” she said vaguely.

“They’re good at it,” he responded.

It didn’t take him long to get to their rooms. He opened the door and closed it behind them. When he went to set her down, she noticed the sheets were no longer black. They were now a scarlet red. “Did you change the sheets?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Aeson helped me with them. Baba knew where to get fire-proof fabric and whipped these up for us. Not that I’m expecting anything,” he said, waving his hands in front of his body. “I know how innocent you are. I would never presume.”

Zoe huffed. Maybe she was innocent, but she wasn’t dead. She’d have to take brutally direct steps for him to see her as a woman.

Nonchalantly she began removing her clothes.

His eyes widened. “I’ll go into the bathroom while you…”

“You don’t have to.”

She tried to hide her shaking hands as she slipped off her bra, then her underwear. Laying back on the silky red sheets, she felt reckless. She wanted her mate.

“Gage, my mate. Won’t you come lay down?” she asked sweetly, reaching for him.