“You can’t go after the entire Witches’ Council, my love.”

He nodded. “You are right. But my uncle, and through him, our Prince can start inquiries.”

“Is that necessary? You can’t change the past, and they can’t hurt me anymore.”

He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to look down at her. “Do you really think that I am the only one planning something? Both Kendrick and Aiden were barely containing their rage as you explained what your life had been like. I am merely opening the door for them to barrel through.”

When they arrived at the warrior villa and walked in, Leon saw him carrying her and immediately frowned. “Is she okay?” he demanded in a loud voice.

Within moments the foyer was filled with warriors. Aeson lifted her from Gage’s arms and carried her to the sitting room. Behind her, Gage leaned against Leon yawning as the fox shifter steered her mate into the wingback chair next to her.

Aeson placed his hands on his hips. “We already know how you scrambled her brain this morning with feral talk. What’s happened now?”

Zoe snuggled under the chenille throw Ramsey tucked around her. “Amelia used her gift and helped me face my past. Let us just say that the Witches’ Council has much to answer for.”

Gage held up his pink hands. “She caught fire, and I stupidly reached for her.”

Leon jogged toward the kitchen.

Aeson turned to Ramsey. “Find Ari and check in with our commander. I want to know what is planned.”

“Yes, sir,” Ramsey replied and headed for the door.

“Thank you, Aeson. It sets my mind at ease knowing my brothers are looking out for us,” Gage admitted.

“We’ll get you both fed so you can rest,” Aeson pointed to the kitchen. “Jace, can you get some soup and sandwiches started?”

Jace nodded and passed Leon on his way out. Leon went to Gage and handed him a towel-wrapped ice pack. Exhaling in relief, Gage held onto the pack.

Ian shook his head. “I would have offered when you first came in, but I didn’t know it was that bad, but seeing your reaction to the ice pack, changed my mind. Gage, come with me to the living room so I can look at your hands. Kincaid is good at healing, but I’m better.”

Gage stood then looked to her. She waved him on. “I don’t want you in pain.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead and walked away with Ian.

As soon as he was out of sight, Matthieu sat down next to her. “Listen, he won’t say anything, but if he feeds, he’ll heal faster.”

She nodded. “I would never deny him.”

“Yes, but he may hesitate as feeding can become very… um… sensual.”

She blushed but kept her chin up. “We’re mates. I don’t see a problem with that.”

“In case he hesitates, say, ‘Gage, it is my right and duty to provide for you; I offer all of myself to you.’ Those are the words spoken between vampire mates when they feed,” he explained. He went to say more but stood quickly and sat back down next to the window where he started.

Seconds later, Gage walked back in, rubbing the palms of his hands. He looked at her and titled his head. “You’re flushed. Are you well?”

She went to speak and had to clear her throat. Images of him claiming her kept distracting her. “I think I’m finally feeling better. This blanket has helped,” she lied.

He looked relieved and sat down at her side again.

The other men kept the conversation light as soup and sandwiches were passed around. The men ate either standing or where they sat with her in the sitting room.

She managed half a sandwich and was sipping her chicken noodle soup when the door opened, and Ramsey and the rest of the Tau unit returned.

Gage looked up at his unit leader. “Well?”

Aeson stood to allow Ari to sit closer to Gage as Priest, Kincaid, and Ramsey plucked sandwiches off the platter by the fireplace.