Gage felt like his brother sucker punched him. All the air flew from his lungs. “Is she okay? Is she safe?”

“Looked like Baba was serving her Blessed Chamomile when I left. That tea dulls our magic, so, for now, she should be fine.”

“Ari made this mating thing look so damn easy,” Gage admitted, feeling defeated.

Carson snorted. “His mate is practically one of us, not a walking flamethrower. Cut yourself some slack.”

Behind the counter, Peter smiled and shook his head as he continued to box up his huge order.

“She’s all innocence and excitement, holding nothing back. I can’t hurt her again,” Gage turned to his grumpiest brother.

Carson shrugged. “Statistically speaking, you’re both young, so you’re gonna fuck up again before you both move on from this world.”

Peter cracked up. “Gods, he’s really bad at this.”

Carson scowled. “It’s not complicated. Gage will love and adore his mate, he’ll fuck up, and his brothers and I will help, end of story.”

Gage stared. It really was that simple. He wasn’t perfect, so he’d mess up in the future. Knowing his brothers had his back made it easier to breathe.

“See, you’re getting it,” Carson said, slapping him on the back. “I let your mate know that the spell centers looked to be in good condition. I don’t know the actual spells used, but I was able to send my magic in a bit. Everything seemed to be working as intended.” He grabbed a pre-packaged bag of cookies. “Peter, can you charge the account?” he asked.

Peter looked over his shoulder. “Sure thing.”

Carson stretched. “I understand that a lot of what Zoe will be doing will involve spells learned from her family at the Fire Temple, but if she needs any help, count me in.”

“Thanks, Carson, for everything.”

Carson shrugged. “That’s what brothers are for. Hurry back to your mate and grovel,” he ordered, grinning.

Gage came to attention and saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!”

Chuckling, Carson walked out.

“Should I start an apology account for you, Gage?” Peter asked.

Gage went to shake his head, then stopped. “You may be joking, but that’s not a bad idea.”

“I was half joking.”

“Let me pay for a standing order to be delivered weekly. That way, no matter what, I’m covered.”

Peter nodded approvingly. “Kid, I like the way you think.”

Gage exhaled. “Hopefully, so will my mate.”

Chapter Eight

When Gage returned, his arms were filled with boxes. He handed a majority of them to her, but he had also gotten some treats for Kyla and Baba as a way of thanking them for caring for her.

Kyla opened her box and smiled. “I’ve been wanting to try these brownies but couldn’t gather the energy to head to Peter’s shop.” She took a bite and sighed. “Wonderful.”

Zoe, for the first time, could relate. Taking her own bite, she smiled blissfully. “Thank you, my mate.”

Gage stood a little straighter. “I cannot tell you enough how sorry I am for upsetting you. I wish I could go back and censure my words better. When I started explaining things, one tragic story led to another. I could not seem to unravel the mess.”

“Gage, I don’t think there was a happy way of telling me such things, and leaving things vague may have created more anxiety. I have a feeling. Maybe, your way was the best.”

He looked doubtful