“Poor man. He was quite close with his nephew,” Baba clucked her tongue.

Kyla turned to her. “He was found in the third warehouse. That one was the most tragic. According to reports, they missed saving them by hours.”

“Why is this happening?” Zoe asked, wrapping her hands around the teacup trying to absorb its warmth.

“Evil doesn’t need an excuse to be,” Baba said.

“Brie, Ari’s mate, is a human and leading the investigation. She’s using techniques we’ve never heard of. But, if we haven’t heard of them, then our enemy probably hasn’t either. In times of darkness, I noticed that some people shine all the brighter, and they’re the ones to help others,” Kyla said softly.

“Speaking of shining brighter, I heard you’re here to help with our lights,” Baba said.

Zoe nodded. “I’ll be checking with the spell stations today to make sure they’re functioning properly.”

“Well, that’s…”

The door opened, and Carson stepped in. He took one look at her, saw that Gage was nowhere in sight, and snarled. “What happened?” he demanded, striding over to her. “Who hurt you?”

Zoe sniffled. Carson’s growling reminded her of her brother. “Gage explained things to me. I just got a bit overwhelmed. I’m fine.”

“What did he go over?” he asked.


He blinked. “Excuse me, what?”

“The babies, and reapers and murders and everything,” Zoe rambled.

“Right. You’re okay, though?” he looked from Kyla to Baba, who both nodded.

“I will be. Gage went to the Brick Oven to get me a treat.”

“I came by to tell you we checked the stations, and there was no visible sign of damage. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a warrior brother to find.” He gave a half bow and stalked out.

“Poor Gage,” Baba murmured, shaking her head.

“Why?” Zoe asked.

“The warriors look after one another like brothers. You mating with Gage makes you their baby sister. It’s a new type of bond I feel they will cherish. That being said, like any older brother, Carson feels like it’s his duty to point out exactly what his younger brother did wrong and ensure that it doesn’t happen again,” the older woman explained.

“But, he won’t hurt him, will he?”

Kyla patted her leg. “I’m sure nothing will be permanent.”

Zoe sighed and took another sip of tea. Brothers were like that, after all.


Gage looked up from the dessert case when the doorbell behind him chimed. He groaned when he saw Carson striding toward him. “I know, I know. I fucked up.”

“What possessed you to lay everything out on a stroll to a dress store? When you left, I thought you’d give her a highlight reel, not everything,” Carson roared.

“One explanation led to another, and before I knew it, she was pale and shaking,” Gage exploded, running a hand through his hair.

“You have to be more careful of her, Gage,” Carson said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Don’t tell me how to be with my mate…” Gage started.

Carson uncrossed his arms, took two steps forward, and poked Gage in the chest. “I’m not telling you how to be with your mate, you idiot. I’m telling you how to be with an unstable fire witch experiencing the whole damn world for the first time!”