The older witch placed a comforting hand over Zoe’s, then gently steered her from the room, leaving the gasping and grunting Andrei on his own.

“Zoe, I cannot stand to see them treat you this way anymore. I promised your mother when she and your father left ten years ago that I’d watch over you, and that’s what I’m doing.” Reaching into her sleeve, she retrieved a wax-sealed scroll. “I wasn’t lying. Éire Danu has requested the Fire Temple Head.” She smiled. “I feel like my prayers have been answered.” She passed her the scroll. “Go to Éire Danu, and don’t come back to Storm Keep until either your brother or sister returns.”

Zoe’s mouth dropped. “I can’t do that! I have responsibilities, the Temple and…”

“And all of your ‘appointments’?” Caroline asked, making air quotes. “The council fills every moment of your day to control you.”

Zoe looked down. “I know. I know that’s what they’re doing, but it’s the only way to keep everyone safe around me.”

“Bull hockey!”

Zoe’s head snapped up.

Caroline grasped both of her upper arms and gave her a gentle shake. “That’s a lazy solution. They haven’t even tried to understand why your magic goes awry. Instead, they stack all their busy work in front of you so that you don’t have any opportunity to do anything else.”

“Like burn the city down?” Zoe asked sarcastically.

Caroline released her arms and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“You look like Kendrick when you do that,” Zoe teased.

Caroline shook her head. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” She sighed. “If he were still in the city, I’d send you to him. The council avoids him like the plague.”

“Where is he?”

Caroline shrugged. “I lost track of him after he left Noctem Falls. Knowing him, he’s where his brother is in Lycaonia.”

Zoe nodded. That made sense. No one loved their brother more than Kendrick loved Keelan, well, except maybe her. She desperately missed Mikel. Thinking of both her brother and the afflicted Keelan had her sniffling.

“I know, darling. I miss Keelan too.”

Zoe scrubbed at her eyes. “What if I burn something in Éire Danu,” she swallowed hard. “Don’t they have sacred trees there?”

“I have every faith that, actually given the opportunity, you can gain control of your power. Unfortunately, up until now, the council has been afraid of that power and have made every effort to keep you locked inside your childhood home and now to your desk here in the Temple.”

Zoe looked down at the scroll, her hands trembling. “I can actually leave?” she whispered.

“Yes, and the sooner, the better.” Caroline glanced back at the office door. “That spell won’t hold forever.”

“Won’t you get in trouble with the council?” Zoe asked, afraid for her friend.

Caroline snorted. “I’ve been dancing around the council for close to a hundred and fifty years. Leave those busybodies to me.” She shrugged. “Besides, if they try anything, like assigning me to some remote location, as they are wont to do, I’ll simply go to Noctem Falls. I have a standing job offer there from the Prince himself.”

“Wow.” Zoe blinked. “You know an actual prince?”

“Oh, youngling, I wish I could go with you. I feel like I’m sending a lamb into a forest of wolves.” Caroline fretted. “You haven’t seen much of Storm Keep, much less the outside world.”

Zoe straightened. “I can do this. I’ve always wanted to travel, now is my chance.”

Caroline smiled. “That’s the spirit. You help the queen in Éire Danu, and I’ll try to call your family home. Neither your parents, nor your siblings would stand for the council’s treatment of you.”

Zoe grinned. Her brother would probably destroy the council building. “Do you know where they are?” She had been trying to find them for years.

Caroline shook her head, looking sad. “The assignment your parents are on must be top secret. Despite having access to more than most, I haven’t been able to find out where they are.” She then snort laughed. “And no one tells your siblings what to do. They could be anywhere.”

Zoe grinned. “What do I pack?”

“Some clothes and toiletries.” She paused. “And probably anything of value to you personally, no telling when you’ll actually return.”