Page 22 of Mafia Fire

She… does things to me.

I don’t know what possesses me but now I’m brushing the pad of my thumb over that full, lower lip I came so close to kissing in the Garden of Eden, her arms stretched helplessly over her head, a bare sliver of her belly peeking at me, her eyes bright and bold yet filled with fear...

I wanted to kiss her then.

I want to kiss her now.

Her trembling words come back to me.Please. Don’t.I drop my fingers from her face.

What makes her different?

Liam’s words come to me. He fell for his wife during the process of trying to find brides for us single brothers. He was never going to marry himself. When I asked him what changed, he shrugged and gave one of his rare full smiles. He saidthe heart wants what it wants. And it can’t be denied.

My heart seems to want her, this girl that I’ve known all of what? An hour? Am I foolish enough to think that there’s something different about her, that she isn’t just another beautiful girl?


That’s the only thing that would make me change my single status, and this girl has already shown me, without a doubt, that I cannot trust her. So why am I wasting my time punishing her, teasing her, hell, dressing her to my liking, feeding her?

Luckily, food arrives, offering me a delicious distraction. Primi Piatti, the first course, a small portion of a creamy mushroom risotto. As the antipasti trays of nuts, meats, and cheeses are being served, I notice a familiar flash of blonde hair taking a seat two down from Kylie.

Kat with a K. My little problem. Looks like she garnered herself a guest pass for tonight too.

She leans over the table, waggling long red nails at me. “Ciao, Cannon! Lovely to see you. Again, thank yousooomuch for last night. It was, in one word,stupefacente, justamazing!”

“To hot nights and chilled wine.” I lift my glass of Pinot to her, offering a tight, false grin.

She raises her own glass, shooting me a seductive look as she runs the tip of her tongue over her lips before taking a sip. She puts her glass on the table, tossing her hair over her shoulder, a move I’m guessing is supposed to lure me in. The massive glittering stone in her ring catches her hair as she performs, pulling away a long thread of her hair extensions.

Benita, her goddess for the evening, quickly helps her detangle the hair from the ring, and leaves the table to dispose of the strand.

“Prototype. Still working on the actual product, but we’ll get there.” Kat takes an artichoke from one of the wooden charcuterie boards, sucking the oils and spices from it before popping it in her mouth, another move meant to make me squirm. “Delicious. Just like you.”

I am squirming, but not in the way she’s hoping. Nausea pools in my stomach. How had I gotten her so wrong? “Enjoy your meal.”

She’s licking her lips again. They’re going to chap if she’s not careful. “I will but not as much as last night. Ah-mazing. It was like we knew one another in another lifetime or something.”

Benita returns, saving me. “More wine, chica?” She pours Prosecco into Kat’s glass till it’s almost full, drawing her into a deep conversation about her new hair extension business.

God, I’ve got to stop sleeping with guests of members. I go back to my food, grumbling under my breath. “Last night was about as amazing as your audacity to hang around my place till noon.”

Kylie’s been hiding her face behind the curtain of her dark hair, but now takes a peek at me. She dips the tines of her fork into the risotto. The corners of her lips curl as she slips the food in her mouth.

Is she…laughingat me?

“What,” she leans over, whispering to me. She raises her brows. “Not a love connection?”

“Not exactly.” I lean back, giving the waitstaff room as they remove my shallow bowl, replacing it with a steaming plate of pasta. “Her hair came out in my hand last night. Then she wouldn’t leave.”

“Just a prototype. That’ll happen.” She smirks, taking a delicate sip of her water. “So, I’m guessing she’s not going to be the mother of your children then?”

“No. She’s not.”

Kylie goes back to her meal.

I look over at the girl beside me. She’s beautiful. Strong. Brave. She must be kind, caring for her grandma, cooking for her. The type of woman you want for your wife, to raise your children.

What the fuck is wrong with me tonight?