Page 19 of Mafia Fire

“Mmm hmm… Now, time to get dressed and I hate to be the one to tell you, you’re gonna be naked under this gorgeous garment. And it’s a little tricky to get into so I’m going to have to help you.” She gives me a soft look. “Is that alright?”


I’ve never been naked in front of anyone.

But I’m unsure of this place, this night, those zippers, and I need help.

My words are locked in my throat. I give a tiny nod of consent.

“Come here, ladybug.” She helps me out of my sweatshirt, which is not necessary, but my hands are shaking so badly I let her. I fumble with the rest of my clothing and Keisha is kind enough to fold it, setting it on a chair.

Moments later, I’m standing naked in the center of this vast room, a stranger’s eyes on my body. The cool night air caresses my skin, combining with the nervous energy I feel, chill bumps rising on my flesh.

She looks away, slipping the chains of the pantsuit from the hanger. “I’m not trying to stare, not to be rude, but damn, girl. You’ve got gorgeous curves.”

My hand goes to her shoulder to steady myself as she helps me step into the pantsuit. “Thank you?”

It takes her a minute to get everything in place like she wants it. I stand obediently, arms at my sides as she works, unclasping the chains and crisscrossing them over my bare back. The fabric is silky, tight across my ass and bare breasts, but the legs are loose, flowing as I move. Keisha swipes a bit of mascara on my lashes, a pale red gloss over my lips. She leaves my hair down, running a brush through it till it’s glossy and smooth.

She steps back, eyeing her work. She shakes her head. “I don’t want to do much more. You just don’t need it. Take a look.” She gestures to the wall of mirrors.

The strappy shoes she put on me tap against the floor as I walk. I stare into the reflection of a gold-framed mirror. I don’t look like myself, the blushing virgin from the pharmacy. I look… sexy. I feel powerful and beautiful, like a woman in control of her destiny, but somehow, I’m still me.

A woman very much out of control…

There’s a knock on the door.

“Come on in, Bastian!” Keisha leaves me wondering, clipping her heels across the floor.

The door opens. A man wearing nothing but a black bowtie, tight black shorts and combat boots stands in the front of the room, holding a silver tray in his hands. His chest and arms are covered in eye-catching tattoos of colorful flowers.

He gives her a friendly grin, holding out the tray. “Here you go, K.” His eyes drift to me, offering me a professional smile and nod.

Suddenly shy about my new look, I quickly nod, then duck into a cushy black velvet chair.

I can’t see what’s on the tray from where I sit. I only see Keisha pick up something, a flash of black and gold. She leans over, kissing the man on his cheek. “Thanks, B. See you later.”

She strides over to me. What’s she carrying? My ass clenches. Is that…? A small black leather paddle rests in her hands, a gold rope hanging from the hole it’s been tied to in one end of the handle.

“What,” I ask with a shaky breath, “is that?”

“This is a cute little toy. Feel it.” She holds it out to me.

The leather is cool, the paddle has give to it, it’s not hard like solid wood. Kind of like the cushioning in the black leather wall of the room I just left. I imagine the feel of it against my bare skin, stinging, warming my ass. More damp heat creeps between my thighs.

“What is it for? More importantly,whois it for?” My voice shakes.

“Any tool that’s black and marked with this,” she points to little gold flames forming wings stamped in the handle of the paddle, “belongs to Cannon. Stand, please.”

Cannon. Obediently, I rise. I run a finger over the pretty embossed wings. “But… why? What does this mean?”

“I guess he’s not done with you yet.” Her words send a shiver through me, uncomfortable and electrified but not altogether unpleasant. She brings the golden rope belt around my waist, saying under her breath, “Lucky girl.”

“Lucky?” Was it luck? To be punished so shamefully at the hands of a stranger?

But if I’m honest with myself, I wanted the earlier punishment, and I want more. My body comes to life under his hands.

I’ve never felt more powerful, and powerless, all at once.