A light shone in her eyes, a spark of heat similar to the one burning deep in his body, sending flames through his blood. ‘What are you interested in?’

Drake brought his mouth down to within a short distance of hers. ‘I could tell you or I could show you. You choose.’

‘Show me.’

He closed the distance between their mouths and lost himself in the sweet addictive taste of her. His tongue stroked for entry and she opened to him and met him with a sexy dart of her own tongue. Heat exploded in his body, making him hot and hard and hungry for more. She pressed herself closer at the same time as he gathered her tightly in his arms. He loved the feel of her slight frame against him. He loved the anticipation of making love to her, the heady build-up of tension in his body so powerful it was unlike anything he had experienced before. Her hands crept up to wind around his neck, her fingers delving into his hair, sending shivers cascading down his spine in a river of heat.

Aerin made a soft, breathless sound and he deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing and duelling and mating each other into submission. A thrill ran through him at the boldness of her desire for him. No longer shy, she stroked her hand down to the rock-hard heat of his erection, almost sending him over the edge.

‘I want you.’ Her voice was soft but no less demanding and it delighted him that she was growing in sexual confidence.

‘Ditto,’ Drake said, sliding his hands underneath the jumper she was wearing. She wasn’t wearing a bra, which gave him ready access to her breasts. He bent his head and caressed the tender flesh with his lips and tongue. She responded with little gasps and groans and pushed herself against him in a silent plea for more.

He slid his hands down to her waist, holding her against the throbbing pulse of his body. ‘The kitchen isn’t the most comfortable place to make love,’ he said. ‘Let’s take this upstairs.’

‘I’m not sure my legs are going to get me that far after that kiss.’

‘That’s easily fixed.’ Drake swept her up in his arms and strode towards the door.

Aerin gave a playful squeal. ‘What are you doing? You’ll wreck your back carrying me all the way upstairs.’

‘Don’t worry, I work out.’

‘I know you do.’ She stroked one of her hands along the bunched muscles of his arm. ‘Impressive.’

They got to the bedroom a short time later and while Drake was breathing heavily it had nothing to do with carrying Aerin. Or at least not because of her weight. It was the feel of her in his arms, the warm lithe body pressed against his, knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He laid her down on the bed and stood looking at her for a moment. Her hair was splayed out over the pillows in a golden cloud, her eyes were shining with anticipation, her smile like a ray of sunshine. She was wearing a jumper and leggings and he soon peeled them off her body, before stripping off his own clothes.

He got a condom from his wallet and came down beside her on the bed. She reached for him without saying a word. But what else needed to be said? The mutual desire that crackled between them had not lessened but grown in intensity.

Aerin stroked her hands down his chest to his abdomen, slowly, slowly, slowly, ramping up the tension in his body to breaking point. Her touch wreaked havoc on his self-control. Red-hot pleasure shot through his body, luring him to the abyss where the dark magic of oblivion beckoned.

Drake had to stop her taking him over the edge because he wanted to ensure her pleasure first. He drew her hand away from his body and kissed his way down from her breasts to her belly, lingering over her feminine mound, breathing in the musky scent of her body that signalled her high arousal. He used his fingers to separate her folds, then tasted the honeyed dew of her desire with his tongue. She squirmed and whimpered as he increased the rhythm of his caresses, her body bucking and arching as she orgasmed. Her cries of release made him want her all the more. Her passion was so unfettered, so unrestrained it made him wonder if she would find the same freedom to express her sexuality with someone else.

Someone else...

Drake wished he could eradicate the thought from his mind. He didn’t want to think about her with anyone else. He didn’t want to think of her making love with some other guy who wouldn’t make her pleasure a priority. A guy who might exploit her or pressure her into doing things she wasn’t comfortable doing.

Aerin let out a long shuddering sigh and reached for him again. ‘Can I try something on you?’


She gave a sultry smile and wriggled down his body. ‘I want to taste you like you tasted me.’

‘You don’t have to. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.’

‘But I am comfortable with you.’

And Drake was comfortable with her. Way too comfortable. To the point where he was wondering how he was going to manage without her going forward. He shuddered at the thought of her mouth and tongue on his most intimate flesh. How could he say no? ‘Okay. But if you don’t want to go the whole way, then don’t.’

But she did and of course it was mind-blowing, earth-shattering and sent him into a tailspin from which he thought he might not ever recover...


LATERTHATNIGHTafter dinner, Aerin took the opportunity to text Ruby and Harper about not being back in time for work as planned. Harper called her instead of texting a reply.

‘What’s going on?’

‘Nothing. We just got caught out with the weather.’