Aerin stepped over the threshold and turned in a circle to take in the décor and priceless-looking antiques, including a four-poster bed. ‘It’s like stepping back in time, isn’t it?’

A frown was pulling at Drake’s forehead. ‘Did you happen to notice a sofa anywhere?’

Aerin glanced around the room but apart from a couple of spindly chairs, a writing desk and a loveseat there was no sofa. ‘Maybe there’s another room through here...’ She opened the door but it proved to be the en suite. ‘Oh, that’s the bathroom.’

‘We have a problem.’

‘We do? I mean, of course we do.’ Aerin’s cheeks flared with heat hot enough to warm the room.

His eyes meshed with hers for a heart-stopping moment. ‘I’ll sleep on the floor.’

‘That won’t be very comfortable for you. I don’t mind if you share the bed, I mean, not in that way, I meant you on one side, me on the other.’

One side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile that did serious damage to her already skyrocketing pulse rate. ‘Can I trust you to keep your hands to yourself?’

Aerin gave him a mock gimlet glare. ‘I didn’t force myself on you. You kissed me quite willingly, if I recall.’

His eyes darkened. ‘I did indeed.’

Aerin let out a wobbly breath and shifted her gaze from his and went to open her overnight bag. ‘We have half an hour before dinner.’

‘I’ll go for a quick walk to give you some privacy.’

Aerin pulled out her navy-blue velvet evening dress and shook out the creases, glancing at him again. ‘But won’t the others think that’s a bit strange? It’s dark outside anyway. Besides, I can get changed in the bathroom.’

‘Aerin.’ The sombre note was back in his voice. ‘You’re safe with me, no matter what.’

‘I know that. It’s why I asked you to be here this weekend instead of someone I don’t know and trust.’

His smile was wry. ‘You trust me even after that kiss?’

Her gaze drifted to his mouth and her heart jumped in her chest like a startled frog. ‘Yes, I trust you.’ She licked her suddenly dry lips and hugged her dress close to her chest. ‘I’m not so sure I trust myself, though.’

His kiss had made her hungry for more. How was she going to resist him? Whyshouldshe resist him? The sensuality he awakened in her was empowering. It made her realise how much she had been missing out on in being so cautious about dating. This was her chance to experiment a little. He wasn’t Mr Perfect, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a short dalliance with him. Or was she rationalising too much? Talking herself into a fling with him because she knew he would give her nothing but a fling?

Drake was standing within touching distance of her but she had no idea which of them had moved or if both of them had. He sent one of his hands down the length of her arm in a lazy caress and even through the layers of her clothes her body leapt and tingled at his touch. ‘The kissing and touching can’t go any further than this weekend.’ His fingers had got to the bare skin of her hand in a light as air touch that sent a shiver down her spine.

‘I know.’

His eyes searched hers for a pulsing moment. ‘I’m not what you’re looking for.’

‘I know.’ Did he have to keep reminding her? He didn’t tick any of her boxes and yet...and yet...that kiss.Gulp.She couldn’t get it out of her mind. Couldn’t wait to feel his lips on hers again.

His gaze lowered to her mouth and lingered there for a beat or two. Then he drew in a deep breath and released it in a jagged stream and finally brought his eyes back to hers. Dark, intense, determined and yet a shadow of something else lurking there. ‘How long will it take you to get ready?’

‘Five, ten minutes?’

‘Take your time. I’ll catch up on a couple of emails. Pretend I’m not here.’

Yeah, right, like that was going to be easy to do.

Aerin draped her dress over one arm and, snatching up her make-up kit with her other hand, disappeared into the bathroom.

Drake pinged back a couple of short emails, but his mind was well and truly in the bathroom with Aerin. He pictured her changing out of her travel clothes and into that stunning blue velvet dress she’d brought with her. She would look elegant dressed in a bin liner, but that midnight shade of blue was a perfect foil for her grey-blue eyes and creamy complexion.

He tossed his phone to one side and quickly changed into the tux he’d brought with him. He was about to tie his bow tie when Aerin came out of the bathroom. His hands fell away from his neck and his breath stalled in his chest. She had bundled her long hair into a makeshift bun at the back of her head that highlighted the elegant length of her neck. Some dangling sapphire and diamond earrings glittered from her delicate earlobes. Her make-up was subtle and yet made the most of her features—the smoky eye make-up, the shiny lip-gloss, the blush and highlighter on her aristocratic cheekbones turning her into a princess fit for a ball.

Her dress was even more stunning on her than he had imagined. The off-the-shoulder style clung to her slim frame in all the right places—places he wanted to touch and caress. Places he had forbidden himself to touch and caress. Places he knew would take every ounce of willpower and then somenotto touch and caress.Sheesh.Why did he agree to this? It was madness to think kissing her wouldn’t change anything. Of course it changed everything. He could not get her mouth out of his mind, her taste off his tongue and his desire, meanwhile, was still thrumming like a background beat in his blood.