Page 26 of Lycan's Fated Mate

“You aren’t submissive to me. Get up.” Seeing him prostrate before her felt wrong, but she appreciated the sentiment behind his gesture.

“I may not be submissive to you but I belong to you. Man and beast we are both yours and I should have never reacted to another woman in the way you saw me with Kelly. My only explanation is that I care for her as my family. It’s no excuse though because seeing another man touch you the same way would destroy me.”

“Clay get up. I hardly expected you to drop her I just wasn’t prepared and we don’t need to air all of our business in the hallway for everyone to see and hear.” She watched him stand with a fluidity that only shifters seemed to possess.

When he shut and locked the door behind him Jade wondered if his attitude would change. She expected him to turn on the charm or make excuses but he didn’t. He apologized a second time his expression contrite and saddened.

“Clay I understand these people are your family. You had a whole life before me. I didn’t expect that to change with our relationship. The truth is we barely even know each other. Maybe it would be for the best if we -”

His fingers against her lips stopped anything else she would have said.

“I’ll stop you there before you say something incredibly foolish. We are mates. Not just mates but fated mates the other half of each other’s souls. That isn’t something to take lightly.”

He pulled his hand away from her mouth before running a finger over the line of her jaw. He tilted her chin angling it to align with his so that he could lean in to kiss her.

“You’re mine as much as I’m yours and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I won’t give up what we share. Not for anything. Understand?”

He didn’t wait for her to reply, and she wasn’t sure she would have been able to even if he had waited. The strength of his conviction had her knees weak.

The kiss he gave her was the kind that consumed her in a slow burn. It started tender and deceptively gentle while it claimed her an inch at a time. Jade felt her lips swell under his as they pressed into hers in an almost punishing caress, only to retreat long enough for her to draw another breath before returning. Heat unfurled settling low in her belly. His hand caught the back of her neck holding her to him while he plundered her mouth, making her want to be the one to bend her neck for him now.

She shifted, rocking her weight from foot to foot as the urge to wrap her legs around him became harder to ignore. Jade wanted to rub against him as if scent marking him. She wanted the hard length of his erection pressing right where it would do the most good so that she could rub and grind on him to cool the incessant ache that was coursing through her sensitizing her nerve endings until she wanted to scream.

She opened her mouth to do just that and was forced to surrender to the thrust of his tongue as he invaded her mouth. He swept inside with confidence that snapped her control. She lifted her legs hooking her knees on his hips trusting that he would take her weight. It was a testament to his strength that he was able to support her one hand splayed across her ass while the other remained tangled in her hair at the base of her skull.

Kissing him didn’t solve anything. Making out with him didn’t fix how he’d made her feel when he’d embraced Kelly. It didn’t restore the link between them filling the void that made her feel mortally wounded, but lord did it feel good and if she could persuade him to rock his hips forward just a little it would feel even better. She growled out her frustration catching his lower lip between her teeth and tugging.

The sudden need for his blood was shocking and she didn’t know better she would have thought she was the shifter not him.

“You’re all in danger because of me. It would be better if I left on my own.” She said the words between kisses.

“Don’t.” Clay cautioned as his grip tightened. Jade didn’t doubt that marks of his fingerprints would show on her ass for days. He tugged on her hair bending her head back so that he could trail his lips and tongue over her chin and down the column of her throat. He licked at the pounding of her pulse as if tasting her. Jade felt moisture dampen the gusset of her panties and knew if he kept this up she would orgasm right there fully clothed.


They were going to kill each other if they kept at it. The heat kept building and building without an outlet. Her skin was feverish against his and if it got any hotter Clay was going to start to worry. Perspiration dotted her skin and the low moan that escaped her throat sounded equal parts pain and desire.

He pulled back from her releasing her neck so that he could shift her weight. He still wanted her but he realized that her desire wasn’t natural. She was going into heat likely brought on by the perceived threat that Kelly represented to their mating, and if the glazed look in her eye was any indication she wouldn’t be rational much longer.

“What is going on? I feel like my blood is going to boil.” She panted all the while still grinding against him.

“Shh, it’s ok. It’s going to be ok. I think you’re going into heat.” He held back his thought about it being an extreme case. She didn’t need to know that. It wouldn’t help.

Clay carried her to the bed and quickly and methodically stripped her out of her clothing. Then he opened a window hoping that there would be a breeze that would help cool her skin and dissipate the pheromones in the room which would help bring down the intensity of her heat as well.

He moved to the adjoining bathroom and soaked a cloth in cold water then returned to bathe her with it. She shivered and goosebumps broke out across her skin but the fever seemed to cool slightly. When she started to thrash and dig at her skin Clay captured her wrists in one of his and pinned her to the bed.

She’s going into shock.Jace’s voice came through the mental channel they used. Clay wasn’t sure who had contacted his cousin or if he’d arrived with Sara and Caleb.You have to ease the heat. We’re all leaving the house for a while so that you have some privacy.

They were leaving so he could fuck his mate without them overhearing. If they stayed there would be no way that they could avoid it. Clay lowered his head tucking his chin against his chest as regret filled him. He didn’t want to take her in a mindless frenzy. It wasn’t the first time they’d had sex but it would be the first time since she broke their mating bond.

He worried that she would have regrets if they came together like this it would be hard and fast without a lot of fanfare and while he knew that they would enjoy themselves he wanted to draw things out between them. To flood her system with so much pleasure that it was seared into her memory and imprinted on her skin.

He knew that his reaction was partially instinctive his wolf needed to reestablish their bond and assert his dominance over their mate.

Clay watched her stomach muscles ripple as cramping tore through her womb. Whether or not it was how he wanted it to happen or if it was ideal he didn’t have much choice. Without wasting any more time he climbed into the bed next to her and started rubbing her belly in soft what he hoped were soothing strokes.

“It hurts.” Jade panted between waves of agony. “Oh, Clay it hurts so bad.” She curled in on herself making it harder for him to keep up the massage.