Page 25 of The Only One

I raised an eyebrow and took the note from her, unfolding it.

Hey, I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish our talk. Maybe we should catch up sometime?

Underneath his message was Luke’s phone number.

“Ready to go?” Maya asked, forcing me back to reality.

“Yeah,” I answered. I wadded up the note and shoved it into my packet. I’d add Luke’s number to my contacts at home.

“Are you okay?” Stephanie asked, catching up with me.

“Yeah. Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. Because you’ve gotLuke faceagain.”

She was right. Fuck.



I felt like an ass leaving the bar without saying goodbye to Cindy, but she was busy celebrating with her sister, and I didn’t want to take her away from the moment. I set my phone on the nightstand, facedown, and got into bed. I turned off the light and closed my eyes, determined not to let the anticipation drive me crazy all night.

I failed. I checked my phone every ten fucking minutes that night, waiting for a text from Cindy Lawless. It never came.

Three days later, I got one fucking word.

???: Hey.

Luke: Who is this?

???: Cindy. Right, sorry, you don’t have my number.

Luke: Well, I guess I do now.

I saved the new contact, my fingers shaking with a mix of nerves and anger.

Hey?That was it? Ten years of silence broken by onehey?

Luke: Hey.

Fine. I was no better. I leaned back in the chair in my office and kicked my feet up on the desk, waiting for her response. It took a while to come. The three little dots appeared, then disappeared, then reappeared.

Cindy: How are you?

Luke: I’m okay. How are you?

Cindy: I’m fine.

A few minutes passed and neither of us typed anything more. I grew frustrated. My fingers hovered over the phone. What the fuck was wrong with me that I had nothing to say to Cindy?

Cindy: Is it me or is this way harder than it should be?

Luke: I know. I have no idea what to say.

Luke: But I do want to talk to you.

Cindy considered her reply for a few moments until she finally wrote…