“Everything will be ok. This is the end of it all now. I promise.”

The 30 minutes seem to take longer, but thankfully the roads are clear and we reach their location minutes earlier than planned. I stop on the road just out of view of the beach cottage Josh and Chloe are staying in. Mike and Frank pull in behind me. There is a car parked at the back which I recognise as Mr Graves.

“Come with me.” I open Bella’s door, take her hand and lead her to Frank and Mike’s car.

“You stay here with the guys until I come back.”

Mike gets out of the car to speak to me.

“Whatever happens you do not leave her, understand? Both of you by her side until I return. If anything should happen, you drive none stop and take her to her parents.”

More of the team arrive and base themselves around the cottage.

“Nobody enter until I say so.” Everything seems very quiet. Too quiet. Eery.

I can hear the sea crashing against the shore in the distance, but other than that, not a sound.

The whole area is in darkness, the sea looks black with only the reflection of the moon making the waves visible. The cottage is dark apart from a light coming through the curtains in the downstairs front window.

With my gun in my hand, I make my way over to the cottage. The security system was switched off an hour ago. That will be Cains doing. My stride is quick and long. Across the soft sand my footsteps hardly make a sound. I creep up the front porch steps as silently as I can. I peer through the slight gap in the curtains.

SH*T I see Josh on the floor. I see Cain and Graves arguing. I quickly assess the situation. If I go in this way they’ll see me straight away. I make my way around to the back as quietly as I can until…… I hear a gun shot. I run to the back of the cottage. I race up to the door with my gun in front of me ready to fire.

The back door is open. I’m quiet as I enter the living area. I hear Cain shouting. I follow the sound of his voice to the front of the cottage. I see the back of his head. Without a second thought, I aim at his skull and pull the trigger.


Cain stays standing for a second or two and I think I may need to shoot him again. But he eventually falls like the dead weight he is. As he lands on the floor I am met with the eyes of a tortured, broken looking Chloe. Horror fills me. I look to my left and see Josh. He is lying in an incredibly worrying amount of blood.

I go and sit beside my best friend.

The cottage fills with King security followed by the paramedics.

“Come on Josh. You’re stronger than his. Invincible me and you. I can’t do it without you.” I squeeze his shoulder and reluctantly leave him to let the paramedics do their job.

Cain is gone, good riddance, the paramedics have covered him with a sheet. Graves looks like he’s hanging in there, I couldn’t care less either way. The Police have arrived. I go outside to speak to them. But not before I go to the car and check on my Bella. The car door opens as I walk towards it, Bella jumps into my arms. “You’re ok, thank goodness you’re ok!” I squeeze her as tight as I can. I need to feel her warmth.

“Yes. I’m ok. It’s over. The gunman after Chloe is dead.”

“Is Chloe ok?”

“She’s going to need you sweetheart. She’s been through a lot. When Chloe’s taken in the ambulance you follow behind with Frank and Mike. You stay at the hospital with Chloe, and I will meet you there later on.”

“Ok. And Josh is he ok?”

“He’s not in a good way. The paramedics are with him. I need to get back over there. I will see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I speak to the police, give them my statement and refer them to one of my team who will fill them in on the rest. My stomach is in knots, my heart is breaking. My best friend cannot leave me, I will not let it happen. When I enter the cottage again Graves is being covered with a sheet. I feel nothing for the man. Only that I wish he hadn’t been born or hadn’t fathered an evil waste of a human being.

“I’m sorry sir, he’s gone.” I look to see a paramedic looking sympathetically at me. He must be mistaking my stare at My Graves for concern.

“Good riddance,” I say before I turn to look for my best friend. I see Josh surrounded by the critical care team. He is coved in wires, his face and mouth are filled with tubes.

“How’s he doing?” I nod towards Josh, the paramedic’s eyes follow my line of sight.

“He’s in a bad way. But he’s in the best hands.”