Chapter 18


Please be ok, please be ok, I pray.

“Good news, all your bloods have come back normal, so that’s no damage to any of your organs, your blood pressure and heartrate are now at normal levels so I am pleased with that.

“And my baby?”

“Your hormone levels are what we would expect at this many weeks which is a good sign. I’d like to do another scan so we can visibly check how they’re doing.” Damien squeezes my hand.

“See everything is going to be fine my Bellas.” I love how he calls us ‘Bellas’ plural. I just hope it continues.

I’m put in a wheelchair and taken down to maternity. All I can do is pray in my head, ‘Please be ok, Please .’ Damien and the doctor make small talk on the way but all I can focus on is my prayer. We are taken into a private room. I get on the bed with Damien’s help, he stands beside me holding my hand. The gel and the camera are placed on my tummy and the room goes silent as the sonographer looks at the screen.

It feels like hours of the camera moving over and around pushing and prodding until finally she turns the screen around to face me and Damien.

“Everything looks fine.” I take a deep breath and realise I have been holding my breath this whole time. The sound of a baby’s heartbeat fills the room, I cry tears of happiness and relief. I look at Damien whose eyes are glazed. He smiles and nods. I know his silence is because if he says a word, he will break too. He kisses the top of my head and stays there stroking my hair while the sonographer finishes her checks.

“All the baby’s organs look to be working fine, the heart rate is good. The placenta looks fine as well. I would like to monitor you closely for a while. A scan every week for the next few weeks. Obviously, everything looks fine now but we cannot be 100% sure if there has been any damage we are unable to see, and unfortunately we won’t find that out until the baby is born. From what I can see today baby is happy and healthy.”

So, we aren’t out of the woods yet. But it is still good news. I suppose they could never say for certain. My maternal instinct to protect, just doubled somehow. I am not going to let anything else happen to my baby ever again.

Two weeks later I’ve given up work, I have not left the house apart from to go to my scan appointments. Everything is still looking good with baby King, but I won’t stop worrying until I am holding our baby in my arms. I have spent my days eating everything it tells me to in my baby book, having a leisurely swim and reading. Damien has not left the house either. He has been working from home and checking on me every hour. I can tell he is getting frustrated being kept inside all day everyday.

“Right, we are going away for a few days, what shall I pack for you?” Damien says as he storms into our bedroom interrupting my reading and opening my wardrobes.

“I don’t want to go anywhere, I’m fine here.”

“No, you’re not. You and the baby need some fresh air, a change of scenery. It’s just a few days.”

“I want to stay here Damien.”

“My Bella.” Damien sits on the bed beside me. “I know you are scared. But stressing and worrying isn’t doing you or the baby any good. We need to take our minds off things. Focus on us.”

“Where to?” I ask still not sure if I should go.

“A cottage near the sea. We need some sea air. I have it all arranged. It’s safe and nobody knows us. There’s a quiet village that we can go to if you desire, if not we shall stay by our log fire at night and walk along the seafront in the day.”

It does sound pretty good. Even though Kingston has everything and more, sometimes it can feel a little suffocating, especially right now.

“Ok?” Damien smiles jumping up, he takes out my suitcase and starts putting random clothes in it.

“Arrhh forget it,” he throws the case on the floor. “We will buy new when we get there, let’s just go.” I laugh, which is probably the first time I have laughed in weeks.

“Don’t be ridiculous Damien, let me do it. You go pack your things.” I say, as I take the net dress out of my case which I wore for Halloween last year. Honestly.

As we pull off the motorway Damien puts the roof down on the Bentley. The smell of the sea air hits my lungs, relaxing me instantly. This was a good idea.

We arrive at the cottage on the seafront. It’s a beautiful white stone with pastel green sash windows and door. There are window boxes full of colourful flowers, a little white fence with a gate surrounds an immaculate lawn. Damien opens my door and gives me his hand to help me out of the car. My gentleman. He leads us down the path to the front door, I can hear wind chimes playing cheerful tunes in the breeze, the crashing of the sea and laughing from the seagulls above us, perfect.

Damien puts a code in a very expensive and brand-new looking lock on the front door, I then notice all the security cameras. My stomach flips with the memory of why we need these. I need to ignore them and just enjoy where we are.

Inside the cottage it is light and airy. To the right there’s the living room with two large sofas, a fluffy sheep skin rug on the wooden floor, and a large log burner with logs stacked up at the side. To the left is the kitchen, dining room. The Kitchen is a pastel green with thick wooden worktops. French doors lead out onto a lovely terrace and garden filled with all kinds of flowers and fruit trees.

“It’s perfect Damien.”

“And so are you.” He kisses my cheek and then wanders around the kitchen opening and closing cupboard doors. He looks so sexy in his grey jogging bottoms and tight black T shirt. His hair is loose, not his usual styled to perfection and his face has natural stubble. I love him like this. Relaxed and just him.