I punch the seat in between my legs.
“Damien what is it?” Bella cries. I need to get it together. I hear Josh in my head. “FOCUS!”
“Bella.” I take her hand in mine, she’s shaking. “I need you not to panic. Everything is going to be fine. I don’t even know how this is possible, but I am almost certain that the girl you call Anna, is not Anna at all, she is…………. Claire.
Chapter 17
It takes Bella a few seconds to register who Claire is.
“Claire? As in Pete’s sister Claire? The Claire who killed herself and everyone blamed you, Claire?” I nod. I can’t believe the words I am saying, but I would recognise that face anywhere. That face has haunted my dreams for years.
“You’re probably absolutely fine Bella, but we need to get your checked out. If she is back, we need to expect the worse just to be safe.”
“I do feel sick and dizzy Damien. But what could she have done?”
I don’t want to spell it out to Bella but the fact that she felt sick and dizzy on Monday when she was with Claire and feels the same today, terrifies me.
“Try not to worry. I have my medical team meeting us at the hospital. They will check everything and ensure you’re perfectly healthy.”
“What about the baby Damien?”
“The baby too, everything will be fine.” I pull Bella into me and hold her tightly. I don’t want anything to happen to our baby, but I cannot live without my Bella.
We are met at the hospital doors by my team with a wheelchair. I can see Bella wants to reject it, but she doesn’t. We march down to the assessment room and immediately they get to work. Bella’s complexion has already started to change. She is looking very pale.
“I’m fitting an ID and taking some blood. The results could take hours to come back, it would help if we knew what she has ingested. Time is of the essence I’m afraid.” I nod to the doctor. We need to get Claire.
“I’ll be right outside, I just need to make a phone call.” I kiss Bella and call Mike.
“I’ve sent you the photo and Frank will send you the security footage. Find her immediately. This is potentially life or death where my wife and child are concerned.”
“We will find them boss.”
When I get back into the room Bella is being sick into a bowl.
“Most of her stomach is empty now. I am just concerned about what has already entered her bloodstream. Hopefully it is minimal.”
“See everything is going to be alright, My Bella.” Bella’s smiles wearily. I’m not sure if she believes me or not. The fact that she is already showing symptoms isn’t a good sign. Obviously a large enough amount has entered her blood to make her body react that way.
“I feel like I need to sleep.” I look at the doctor and he nod’s.
“You go ahead and get some rest. We will look after you.”
I sit and hold Bella’s hand while she sleeps, I pray to every god in the universe. Please let my Bella be ok, please let my baby be ok. I am lost in my own thoughts when my phone alerts me to a message.
Mike: We got her. On way to the office.
I kiss Bella on the forehead. “I love you my Bellas.” I explain to the doctor and he assures me Bella will probably sleep for the next few hours. I will hopefully be back before she wakes. Anything I can find out about what Bella has ingested will help the doctors, so I must try.
Frank pulls up outside the office in record time. I sit for a minute before I exit. Anger has built inside me and I am not sure I can be in the same room as someone who has hurt my wife and child. Let alone Claire who is supposedly dead. I need to compose myself. I need to get all the information I can from her.
“Damien.” Claire smiles when she greets me as if we a long-lost friends. She stands from her chair and is swiftly forced back down by my men who stand beside her. “It’s so good to see you.” She beams. The woman is a nutcase. I am unsure of how to pursue it. I would normally threaten and beat people I need information from. I decide to let her take the lead.
“I have been waiting so long for this day Damien. Are you not going to speak? Come on, how surprised are you to see me?” she giggles, this woman is on drugs.
“Surprised does not cover what I feel right now Claire.”