After the class everyone goes into the café for a drink. The instructor asks me to join them. I suddenly get a wave of anxiety. I panic about what I would say and how I would come across, I wasn’t prepared for this. I thank her and make an excuse about needing to be somewhere. This is when I need Chloe, she would tell me to “Put your big girl pants on and show them how wonderful you are.” But she’s not here, so I don’t. Maybe I will next week, I will prepare myself for it. If I know something is going to happen, I can get my head around it beforehand. I will think of things I might say to people, questions I might ask them, and answers to questions they may ask me. When a situation like that is sprung on me, I panic. Frank is waiting for me by the door, he hears my little white lie but doesn’t falter.

“Where to now Mrs King?” Wow, I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing that. That’s something else I will have to explain, and I need to get my story straight. Everyone is sure to wonder who Frank is. What do I say “oh he’s just my bodyguard.” I could get away with saying he’s just my driver, but I need him to wait in the car, not stand at the door staring everyone out. I will speak to Damien. The yoga class is in a church hall. There’s only one way in and one way out. Frank can park right outside the doors, surely Damien will agree to that.

“Straight home please Frank.” I have some salon admin I want to catch up on, I also want to go online and order myself a few new gym yoga outfits. Mine were feeling a little tight today so I need to get some maternity ones, plus most of the girls were wearing short tops showing off their bumps, I want to do that too. My phone rings, It’s Damien.

“Hello Mrs King.” He says in his deep, gruff, sexy voice.

“Mmm I love it when you call me that. But don’t let anyone hear yet.”

“Of course. Close staff are aware and are under strict instructions to only call you Mrs King when you are alone or with myself. How was yoga?”

“It was good, I really enjoyed it, I feel so energised now, I feel like I could run a marathon.”

“No marathon running please. Good I am glad you enjoyed it.”

“I was thinking next time, Frank could wait in the car. I’d really like to stay and have a coffee with everyone after the class, but I know people will be asking who Frank is. I would rather just say he is my driver. Plus, there really isn’t any need for him to be there. It’s just a group of ladies doing some stretches.”

“I will speak to Frank. Where are you heading now?”

“Just home, I have some admin from the salon to do and I want to do some online shopping.”

“Ok, don’t work too hard, make sure you rest. I will be home for dinner.”

“Great, I will cook.”

“Wonderful, until then my Bella.” The way he says “My Bella” still does all sorts of crazy things to my body.

I set up my laptop on the kitchen island. I put on some music and enjoy the afternoon working and pottering about in the kitchen. Other than not being able to see or speak to Chloe I am feeling really good. I have a wonderful husband, a baby on the way, and a beautiful home, I couldn’t be happier.

That is until the next day when things start to go south.

Chapter 15


It’s a busy day in the salon, even with my reduced clients and larger appointment times I am still rushing about. It’s an entertaining day though. I have a real giggle with one of my older ladies. The lady is in her 80s and comes in every week for a shampoo and set. She has been having a set for many years and they’re not the most comfortable of services, your hair wound tightly around plastic spikey rollers. There are lots of other ways of achieving a similar style now and I wonder if she would like to try something different for a change. She is a little hard of hearing, so I ask her again louder and using less words.

“Do you like having sets?”

“Oh, I used to.”

“So, you don’t anymore?”

“No, my husband passed away about 10 years ago, I haven’t had any since.”

I look at her in confusion until the penny drops. Oh god did she really think I just asked her if she likes having sex? I see my face redden in the mirror.

My embarrassment soon turns to laugher when I explain to the lady what I actually said.

There’s never a dull day when you’re a hairdresser.

My last client of the day cancels, so I decide to go down and see Tiffany on the front desk.

“Bella! I’m so glad you’re here. I am soooo bored. Tell me about your day.”

While I am filling Tiffany in on my day, I hear raised voices at the front door. The security guards are stopping a man carrying a package entering the hotel. I hear him say my name. I excuse myself from Tiffany and get closer.

“I have strict instructions to give this parcel to Bella White.”