“Don’t be silly. We can’t get married today.”

“We can. But that’s up to you Bella.” I don’t think for one second Bella will agree to a wedding consisting of just us. I know she has dreamed of a big wedding since she was a little girl, and I would never take that away from her.

“I want you to be my wife. I don’t care about a fancy wedding. All I want is you and me vowing to spend the rest of our lives together, being united in holy matrimony.” Bella’s eyes are beginning to fill up, I don’t want to upset her.

“I understand you would like a spectacular wedding with all our friends and family, which is what you deserve and more. I will ensure you get it Bella. But I cannot wait for the day I can call you my wife. The day can’t come soon enough. I want to be your next of kin. I want to be ‘husband’ on your pregnancy notes. I want you to be ‘Mrs King’ not ‘Miss White’ when we are called from the waiting room for our child’s antenatal appointments. I am eternally grateful for you my Bella, so whatever you wish, I will make it be.”

Bella lets out a sob and takes a deep breath. I am not sure if I have upset her or if it is her hormones. I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask, so I give her a minute to compose herself.

“Ok.” She says, as she wipes her eyes in the passenger mirror.

“Ok what?”

“Ok, lets get married today.” Surely she’s not serious.

“But that’s not what you want Bella?”

“I want a husband, a marriage, and to be married to the father of my child. The rest is only for a day. You are for the rest of my life.” I cannot believe what I am hearing. I hope I can deliver on my promise of a marriage today. Before Bella can change her mind, I am on the phone to one of my connections who owes me a favour.

“Thank you and remember completely confidential.”

“Of course Mr King.”

“Oh my goodness Damien are well really doing this?” Bella beams with excitement.

“On one condition. We renew our vows once the baby is born with all our friends and family, and you have everything you ever dreamed of and more. No Expense spared for my wife. Promise me? I want you to have swans and doves, and whatever else people have at fancy weddings.

“Yes, then we can have Chloe and Josh by our side, and Dad can walk me down the aisle with my mum crying in the congregation.” My parents would have loved Bella, and to see me get married. I’m sure they can see how happy I am, wherever they are. As my emotion rises, I quickly shut down those thoughts.

“Right, where shall we go for your dress? My beautiful wife needs a beautiful dress on her wedding day.” Bella shrieks with excitement.

We go to Harrods and Bella chooses a stunning white and gold dress. With shoes, jewellery and hair clips to match, she couldn’t look more beautiful.

“It’s perfect Damien, Thank you.” She beams while twirling around in the changing room mirror. I get suited up next. I normally have my suits tailored, but needs must, and the salesman knew what he was doing.

“It fits you perfectly.”

“It’s not bad. Now what colour tie?”

“How about gold to match my dress? Yes, this one is perfect.” Bella holds a tie up to my chest.

“Then this one it is.”

The venue of our wedding is Mayfair library. Considering we have arranged this today, the venue couldn’t be more perfect.

“Wow Damien, the library, is this where we are getting married?”

“It sure is.” Bella loves to read, loves books and libraries. I couldn’t have planned it any better.

The room is filled with flowers. Even I am impressed. There are all types and colours of blooms. With the wedding so last minute we cleared out two florists. But it was worth it. The look on Bella’s face is priceless.

“Damien how did you do this? It’s like something out of a fairy tale.” I take Bella in my arms and kiss her. I then leave her at the end of the aisle and walk to the front. One of the witness’s hands Bella a bouquet of white gerbera daisies. I specifically asked for those as when I proposed we were in a field full of daisies. There’s a couple in the corner of the room who start playing ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift on the cello and violin.

Bella’s eyes are full of emotion and as she begins to walk down the aisle, my breath catches. I try and make mental notes of everything. The way Bella looks, the way the room smells, full of the perfume of flowers, the sound of the music, and the way that I feel. It’s incredible.

When its time for our vows, I speak from my heart.

“From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were meant for me.