“I thought we could go to my parents this weekend and tell them the news? It’s so hard not telling them when I speak to them over the phone, but I really want to see their reaction in person. They’ll be so excited for us Damien.”
Bella’s is beaming again now and I’m very grateful. When she is happy, I am happy.
“Wonderful idea my Bella.” I will rearrange a few things and work from there.
“Would you be able to rearrange your diary at the salon so we can make a long weekend of it?” Bella rolls her eyes and smiles.
“I suppose, but don’t you think you can just tell me to cancel work and I will.”
“I would never think such a thing.”
“Good. I’m only doing it as it is a special occasion. Plus, I can’t very well announce I’m pregnant and engaged to my parents and then leave the next day. My mum is going to want to go shopping and do some planning. Eeek! It’s so exciting Damien.”
This weekend away is a brilliant idea. I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it. It will get us a way from here, hopefully the gunman and the psychopath who is sending things to Bella will be resolved by the time we return, although I doubt it unfortunately.
“Ring your parents and make sure it is convenient. Then I’ll make arrangements. We will stay in a hotel.”
Bella speaks to her mum who insists we stay with them. I am perfectly comfortable staying in their home. It is lovely. It just means in an evening I will have to keep my hands to myself, so to speak. Or be extremely quiet. Neither option pleases me, but I’m sure I’ll manage for one weekend.
“Dad wants to know if you’d like to play golf on Sunday?”
“Yes of course, I’d love to.” Love is an incredibly strong word for what I actually feel about playing golf. I have been having a few lessons, just so I don’t look a complete fool and show Bella’s father up on the golf course. But I really am a typical ‘all the gear, no idea’ player. I have invested in the best clubs, outfits and gadgets. Needless to say, it doesn’t improve my game.
I manage to rearrange my Friday and Saturday clients. First thing Friday morning, the Bentley is loaded, and we are on the road up north.
I’m feeling really excited as well as a little nervous. I’m 99.9% sure my parents will be over the moon with the engagement and the baby. After all Damien did ask my dad before he proposed, so he knew it was coming. The baby is an added bonus. I just can’t help but worry.
As we pull off the motorway I’m flooded with feelings and memories. Mostly good. But then my mind flicks to John. I still feel guilty about his death, even though he brought it on himself and almost killed me in the process. Damien takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze. He knows me so well.
“Mum, Dad. Damien and I have some news.” I announce once we have been welcomed and consumed a copious amount of tea and biscuits. I have actually caught my dad looking at my engagement ring. My mum however is oblivious, caught up in the excitement of us being here. I’m not sure if my mum knows Damien had asked my dad for his blessing. I still can’t get over the fact that big, powerful Damien King asked permission to do something from my Dad.
“You have?” My mum puts down her cup of tea. “Please tell me it’s good news.” She looks a little worried.
“Well, Damien and I are engaged.”
“Oooooohh that’s absolutely wonderful!” My mum jumps up and practically dives on Damien and me.
“Careful now.” Says Damien to my mum.
“Careful? Why are you pregnant as well?” Mum jokes.
“Well actually….”
“Oh my goodness, Bella. My little girl.” Mum is now in full blown tears.
“We are going to be grandparents Henry!” Dads stands and shakes Damien’s hand while smacking him on the back as men do. Mum is hugging me, then kissing and stroking my face, then back to hugging. She is so excited. I too am filled with emotion. This moment I have dreamed of since I was little, and to make my parents this happy is extremely special.
We spend the day in the garden, catching up on each other news. I haven’t told my parents about Chloe I have just said she’s gone away on holiday with Josh. They would worry too much. It’s been a lovely day and just what I needed. My parents garden is beautiful. It’s full of colourful flowers and is always immaculate. There’s are so many colourful butterflies, and birds which are so tame will take food out of your hand. It really is a lovely place to live.
I loved growing up here. It makes me think about our child. I hope I can give them a lovely childhood filled with happy memories. Maybe we should move back up here nearer to my parents, I would really like my mum near when I have the baby. It’s funny how your dreams and focus’s change. A couple of years ago my dream was to live in the city and live a busy lifestyle, but now, I’m wondering where would be the safest and most peaceful place to bring up my child. I wonder what Damien would think. I’ll bring up the subject one day soon.
“Good night, Olivia, Henry.” Damien says as he stands and holds out his hand to me. It’s getting late and I have been yawning nonstop for the past hour. Damien has noticed but he has been having his ear chewed off by my dad. It’s been hilarious to watch Damien’s facial expressions. He’s been waiting for that break in the conversation to escape.
“Good night you two, well three.” Giggles my mum. I love seeing them so happy.
Damien and I are staying in the guest bedroom which used to be my room when I lived here. It’s very surreal having this large alpha of a man in my bedroom. He looks even more huge than he normally does. I love that Damien respects my parents and stays here. He could insist we stay in a fancy hotel, but he doesn’t, nor does he complain about the size of the bed, which is significantly smaller than the one we have a home. We snuggle up, and I fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face.