Damien: Break a leg my Bella. You will be wonderful. I will be with you every minute xx
Bella: Thank you. I feel sick. Xx
The King suite is filling up. People are beginning to take their seats. It’s about ten minutes before the show starts. I’ve made sure security is tight tonight; more men on the event than I would normally have but I have to be prepared for Bella. Everything seems to be going to plan. The room is dressed with white silk drapes. Large flower arrangements are everywhere. The room is lit up with pink and purple lights. Waiters and waitresses walk around with champagne and canapés. Everyone is well dressed in evening wear. There are quite a few well-known fashion designers and people in the know here, apparently. Whatever that means.
I’ve just had my ear chewed off by Chloe for about fifteen minutes pointing all different people out. Thank goodness Josh turned up and saved me. There’s definitely something going on between them. The music and atmosphere in the room changes and people hurry to get seated. I stand to the side of stage, where it’s darker. I have a good view of the stage here and the rest of the room without being obtrusive. Well so I thought. Bella’s parents are sitting a couple of rows down from where I’m standing. Bella’s mum gives me an excited wave.
The show starts and I’m engrossed from the beginning. The designer is an avid climate activist. Each range of clothing tells a different story, all the materials are recycled and the items of clothing can be changed and made into different garments. There are dresses that are also tops and trousers. It’s a very clever concept. The models put on a spectacular show.
The makeup artists and stylists now come on the stage. My Bella steps up to address the audience; she’s so incredibly beautiful. She is wearing a white strapless, figure-hugging dress with feathers all around the bottom. This is also part of the collection apparently. I remember Bella talking about it while she showered this morning. My mind wasn’t fully on what she was saying more on what she was doing. My goodness she literally takes my breath away. I suddenly feel a wave of jealousy that everyone else in the room can see her beauty. I want to carry her out, take her to my bed and spank her bottom for making me feel like this. But then she starts to speak.
Bella explains how they have created the hair looks on the models tonight. How they have used alternative methods of styling to save on electricity and water. How they’ve been working with product companies and designing recyclable packaging for hair products, while using more natural based colouring products. They’ve designed tools like combs, brushes and clips out of bamboo and wood. She demonstrates how actually these are better for your hair. Bella speaks so passionately and confidently. I’m so proud of her. I realise the whole room is silent and listening intently to every word she says.
“And so, it has been and honour and privilege to work with such a talented and caring designer. She has really opened my eyes to what is possible and how little things can make a huge difference in our future and our children’s future. Please take a look at the products which are available for you to try. I hope we have inspired you- please stay and enjoy the rest of evening. Good night.”
The whole room erupts in cheers and applause. Damn, what a woman! Bella and the models retreat backstage. I stand still in awe of what I’ve just witnessed. My anxious, scared little Bella from this morning has just taken over this whole room. Josh appears by my side.
“Hey Damien, she did great! It was a good show,” he says.
“She was incredible,” I muse.
“So, I’ve just had today’s report back from the private investigator I’ve had trailing that Rebecca, Bella’s manager.” Josh now has my full attention, “You’ll never guess who she’s been to lunch with today?” I bet I can bloody guess, I knew it. “Claire’s brother.”
“I NEED EYES ON BELLA NOW!” I radio through to everyone on the floor. I make my way through the crowds of people as quickly as I can. I climb up on the stage and run to the back. It’s dimly lit and there’s hardly anyone here, just a few models packing up their things. I dash frantically up and down looking for Bella, “Has anyone seen Bella White?!” I shout but everyone just shakes their heads. I radio again “WHY THE F**K DOES NOT ONE OF YOU HAVE EYES ON BELLA!”
“Josh come in. I need video surveillance on Bella’s last movements”
“Already on it,” he replies.
My heart is hammering in my chest. Where are you Bella?F**K! I punch the wall putting a hole in the plaster board. I rest my head in my hands and crouch to the floor. I try and regain control of myself; this is not going to help find Bella. I take 2 deep breaths and channel my anger into adrenaline. I stand and see the fire escape. I open the door which leads outside on to metal staircase.It’sraining and extremely windy. It’s pitch-black outside. I strain to see out. I get a glimpse of something halfway down the staircase. I run down the extremelyslippery stairs trying not to fall.
It’s a silver sparkle shoe, Bella’s shoe. “Damien, you there?” the radio crackles. It’s Josh- I’mlosing signal outside. I have one last look around praying to see something. I run to the bottom of the staircase and back up. It’s just a dark back street alley with bins. The bins are however all bunched together, as ifthey’ve been moved to make way for something. A car or small van perhaps? I can’t see any tracks on the cobble road. It’s too wet- the road is full of puddles. I run back up the stairs and inside.
“Josh what have you got?” I radio.
“There’s noCCTVbackstage because of privacy. We’ve got Bella exiting the stage and going backstage. Two minutes after, the cameras on the fire escape pick up a male wearing what looks like security uniform, carrying something over his shoulder wrapped in black. Halfway down the stairs something light in colour falls from whatever he’s carrying,I’vegot someone going there now to check it out.”
“Don’t bother, its Bella’s shoe,” I say.
“Right.Thereisa small van parked at the bottomof the stairs. He puts what he’s carrying in the back and drives off. There’s no movement at all from what is being carried Damien,” Josh informs me.
“It’s Bella Josh, I know it. We need to find her.”
“We will. Get back out that fire escapeand I will meet you on the road. The footage is being sent toyounow.” There are no other clues in this alley. Whatever was there has been washed away with the rain. When I reach the end of the alley, I look up and down the road. Which way would they go? Where are they taking her? My heart constricts in my chest. Why wasn’t she moving? Why didn’t she fight?Please be ok Bella. I make a silent prayer and then vow to not stop until I find her. Josh pulls up at speed- the passenger door opens and I get in.
“We’ve got traffic camera footage showing the vehicle turned right andheaded north,” Josh begins. “I’ve got updates coming in as and when they get them. The only trouble is we are 2 minutes 35 seconds behind them. Bella’s phone has been found in the dressing area backstage.Mike’s going through it to see if there’s any indication as to who or where they are.” His radio beeps, “Go ahead I have Damien with me also.”
“The vehicle has entered a multistorey car park and hasn’t left. It arrived 1 minute ago, you are about 1 minute to 2 minutes away from there, I have sent the location to your car.” The sat nav beeps registering its destination.
“Floor it, Josh,” I instruct and Josh drives as quickly as he can in London city traffic. We enter the car park which hasfive floors. We drive round each floor at speed. The car wheels skid and brakes screech, echoing through the building as we turn round to go up the slope of the next level. We reach the top level but there are hardly any vehicles up here. A couple of cars and a dark blue vanparked at the end in a dark corner. Josh drives to it. I am out of the car before he stops. The back doors are open. It’s empty apart from a blanket and something sparkling in the back- Bella’s other shoe.
“They’ve switched transport.” I hear Josh radio through to surveillance.I frantically look through the car to find any sort of clue as to where they may have taken her. Nothing. I get out my phone and make a call and they answer on the first ring.
“Mr. King, what can I do for you?” the familiar voice answers.
“Mr. Graves, you said when I last saw you that if there was anything you could do for me, I should ask. Well, Mr. Graves, I need a gun and I need one urgently.”
“Mr. King, I would have thought a man in your line of work and with your reputation would already own a gun?” he responds.