Page 11 of I've Found Her

“I had a little help.” He shrugs. We chat while eating, I tell Damien how my best friend Chloe from home is coming today, I’m meeting her at the tube station after work. She is staying with me until Monday. Today is Saturday- she and I are having a girls’ night tonight with dancing and cocktails. Then tomorrow, we are going on an open-top bus tour around London to see the sights. I am so excited. It feels such a long time since I have seen Chloe. I really have missed her. I can’t wait to spend the weekend with her and tell her all my news.

Damien offers the use of his limousine for the weekend but I tell him that won’t be necessary. He is very persuasive so I accept a lift to the open top bus tour on Sunday. We would have to get a taxi to the pick-up point anyway. Chloe would be extremely excited with a limo ride, so I am happy to accept his offer for that. I am planning on staying fairly local for drinks tonight. I still don’t really know my way around yet and the bars near the hotel are good, plus I just want to spend time with Chloe.

After breakfast, I get dressed and leave. Damien offers me the use of his shower, but I just want the comfort of my own bathroom. I need to gather my thoughts before work. I feel so overwhelmed with the amazing experience I’ve just had this last 12 hours. I need some time to compose myself.


I walk into my bedroom and stare at my bed, reminiscing about my night with Bella. It was every bit as incredible as I had imagined, if not more so. I had thought however, that after our love- making session, I would be able to shake off this infatuation, or whatever it is I have for her. Unfortunately, today these feelings seem to be even stronger. Now I KNOW how good she feels and I need more. What the hell is happening to me. Bella spent the night. I have never asked a woman to spend the night with me before. I usually can’t wait for them to leave.

There’s just something about Bella, my Bella. I wonder whether Bella feels the same about me? I hope not. It’s too dangerous for her to have feelings for me. I must make sure things don’t go too far. I have time yet though, I’m sure. I’ll make the most of my time with Bella while I can.

My phone buzzes, snapping me out of my daydream.

“Josh, safe flight? George should be waiting for you, has he arrived?”

“Yeah, I’m here in one piece and I can see George; just checking the plans for tonight?” Josh replies. Tonight, was a King Security team member’s birthday.

“Just staying local, some of the team are on jobs tomorrow so it won’t be a late one,” I say.

Joshua has come back over from New York to look into some new premises and meet with a new client. It’s starting to look like my stay in London will be more than the months I had originally planned. I was supposed to be here for two months, but after the incident with the A-hole Graham I need to make sure the hotel is running smoothly with the new manager. Then there is also Bella. London after all is my home and even though it has a lot of ghosts for me it still feels good to be back. I wonder if I will bump into Bella tonight? Who am I kidding? Of course I will- I’ll make sure of it.

“So, tell me about her,” Josh demanded, as we stood at the hotel bar drinking a beer. Josh didn’t beat around the bush; if he had something to say he would come out and say it. He also read people very well. Especially me.

“There’s not much to tell. We fucked that’s it.” I tried to believe the words I spoke.

“That’s definitely not ‘it’ I can tell. You like her.”

“What if I do, nothing can come of it so that’s that,” I protest.

“Not all women are like…. ‘her’ you know, you don’t need to keep punishing yourself.”

“It’s safer this way Josh, I no longer want to speak about it.”

Josh nods and we talk about work. Josh knows when not to push me. He was wrong, I can’t let anything serious happen between me and Bella, I can’t bear her to get hurt.

We have a good evening, I have a couple of beers and a scotch but that is about my limit, unless I’m at home. I like to keep my wits about me while I’m out. We stay at the local bars and I spot Bella in couple of them. I just admire her from a distance. She looks like she is having a good time with her friend Chloe. They are laughing and smiling, hugging and dancing. I like to see her happy, I don’t want to intrude on their time or seem like a stalker so I observe from afar.

We finish up at the hotel bar which is more of a club at this time of night. It is dark but I can still see my Bella. She is on the dance floor with Chloe. She looks incredibly sexy. Other men in the room have started to notice her and it makes me angry. I don’t want anyone else to look at her, touch her, to see that beautiful body. I have never been a jealous man but this woman, I crave her to be mine.

Bella and her friend seem a little drunk now. They are still aware of what is going on, but I feel I should watch out for them just in case. Most of the security guys have left now. I suppose it’s not much fun being out with your bosses when you have to work the day after. It is just Josh and I at the bar.

“So that’s her, is it?” His eyes had followed my gaze. “She’s hot.”

“I know.” I grumble as I stare eyes into the heads of the men that have just surrounded Bella. She seems oblivious to them as she is having too much fun dancing and laughing with her friend. Her body moves so sexily but innocently. It is the fact she doesn’t realise how beautiful she is that makes her all the more attractive. One of the guys tries his luck but Bella just waves him away. Good. Realising they have been surrounded, they move to the other side of the dance floor. But the dumbass obviously can’t take no for answer. He grabs Bella from behind, wrapping his arm around her waist and starts to grind into the back of her.

I see red. How dare he touch my Bella. I am over there before I know it. I grab him by the scruff of his neck and throw him to the floor. He gets up and with one fist to the face he is out for the night. I turn to Bella who looks rather shocked.

“Are you ok?”

She nods and wraps her arms around me. The friends of the dumbass surround us and they shout for security who immediately join us.

“This man just attacked our mate!” shouted one of them rather drunkenly.

“We saw your mate. He has had far too much to drink, he’s assaulted a lady and then tripped and hit his face on the floor. You all need to leave now!” says the bar’s security manager who just happens to be King Security.

The dumb arses did at least have some common sense as they leave without further argument. Bella releases her arms from me. I cup her face, “Are you sure you’re ok? Did he hurt you?”

“I’m fine honestly, thank you for getting rid of him,” she says.