Page 45 of Broken

“Uh, yeah?” I agree, unable to deny him when he swipes his thumb across my throat and along the line of my jaw. I lean forward to get closer to his touch, and Justin places his other hand on my hips, settling me in front of him.

“Does it hurt?” he asks even lower, the deep timbre of his voice sending goosebumps over my spine.

Does what hurt?

Because the way Justin is looking at me sets everything on fire, and it’s a burn I’ve been craving for months.

“Uh-huh,” I breathe, looking down into his eyes.

“We’ll put something on it when we get home,” he tells me, running his thumb up and down the front of my throat. For a moment, I forget that I don’t have a home. “You’ll hurt like hell tomorrow, but it’ll be okay by Christmas.”

Someone clears their throat behind me, and Justin lowers my head and kisses my forehead before facing the intrusion.

Justin transforms before my eyes from J, my best friend and lover, into Justin the Dominant. Even through the haze of pain I’m currently wading through, I feel my body respond to his presence, my cock twitching between my legs. His shoulders spread his face hardens, and his fists clench at his side.

”I apologize, Lisa, for the disturbance. But Samuel touched my sub. Not only that, but he was also told beforehand that Remington was in no place mentally to consent, and he pushed forward without any concern to the man under his hand. Bill me for the damages, but—”

“Damages?” I mumble, and Beth steps in closer to my side. She’s almost as short as Julia, and I dip my shoulders to hear her as she tilts her face without ever taking her eyes off the brewing fight.

“Justin is seriously smoking when he’s defending your honor,” she whispers, still watching Justin going head-to-head with who I’m assuming is the manager. “I know you probably don’t want to be on your back tonight, but he deserves a blowie at the least.”

I huff out a laugh at the way she wiggles her eyebrows and return my attention to the fight going on between the others.

He shouldn’t be here, though, and anger dances along my skin knowing that they called him. Then I fight back the urge to swoon like a fucking girl knowing that he showed up. It must be two in the morning.

Jesus, I’m worse than a teenager on her period.

“No!” Justin interrupts, fisting his hands at his sides to keep from punching the other guy. Instead, he pokes him in the chest. “You are the Dominant. His wellbeing isyourresponsibility. It isyourjob to ensure that your submissive is cognizant of every choice they make! And to stop when it goes too far, with or without the safe word. Does he look alright to you?!”

I zone out from Justin defending my honor, as Raine put it. It’s either going to piss me off or turn me on, and I’m not in a position to do anything about either right now.

“You called him?” I ask heatedly, looking to my right at Bethany. She blushes horribly but sticks her nose in the air.

“Someone had to save you from yourself,” she says under her breath.

My eyes flick around the room again.

“How was I supposed to know?” the Dom yells in Justin’s face, and I have no idea what they’re even fighting about by this point. “It was our first time playing together.”

“Tell me Julia isn’t here,” I ask the girl beside me, and she shakes her head in silent acknowledgment.

Thank fuck for small favors.

“That’s the way you treat an untested submissive?” Justin snaps. He’s getting angry again, or perhaps he hasn’t really stopped. “You don’t even take a session or two to test their limits? You’re such an asshole.”

“He said he had no limits.”

Justin throws his hands up in the air, taking a step closer to the Dom, who takes a step back. He tries to reclaim the step when he realizes what he’s done, but the damage has already happened. Justin presses his advantage, shoving his hands up against the Dom’s chest.

“Which should be an immediate red flag! What sort of person has no limits?”

“Enough!” I snap, standing up as straight as my aching back will let me. “I think we’re done here.” I turn to face the manager and give her a tight smile.

“I’m sorry. Things got out of control. As Mr. Williams said, please bill me for any damages. If you’ll excuse me?”

I don’t wait for her permission. I turn on my heel and signal for the security guards to let me through. Justin falls into place beside me. Usually, it’s the big black man that makes people shy away.

Not tonight. Tonight, one look at the hostility radiating from Justin and the security guards trip over themselves to clear a path for us.