Page 18 of Broken

I press her panties to the side until I can see her glistening pussy lips and shove my way inside her. She keeps her eyes locked on mine the entire time, and it almost does me in right then and there.

My head falls to her shoulder again as a moan is ripped from my lips. She’s exquisite. I feel like I’ve come home after being stranded on a deserted island. “Quickly,” she encourages me, and I need no more motivation than that.

I pull out until I’m almost free from her body, ensuring my grip on her waist is firm, then slam back in again.

Her shoes are gone, I don’t know where, and her heels press into the small of my back as I bury myself in her pussy over and over again. I watch where I disappear inside her heat and the way my cock is drenched in her slick every time I pull back out.

“Kiss me,” she demands, and I kiss her with everything I’m worth. I try to tell her with my kiss that even if I can’t admit it out loud, everything I am is hers. For always and forever.

She whimpers against me, holding me tight, thrusting and squirming in time to my hips. My fingers slip between us, and she keens when I find her tight swollen bud through the lace of her panties.

When I feel her muscles clench around me and her lips go limp as her orgasm takes her, I release the hold I had on my own and finally spill my seed.

“I love you,” she pants, and I—

Goosebumps break out over my exposed flesh as I remember where we are.

What the fuck have I done?

I let her slide from the back of the couch and keep my fingers around her waist until I’m sure she’s standing, then I quickly take a step back.

“Remi?” she questions. Her voice is trembling in that way I know is a precursor to tears.

Fuck. I can’t be here.

“There you are,” Justin says, and I’ve just got myself tucked back inside my pants when my head whips in his direction.

Justin’s face falls from delight at finding us together to something I’ve never seen before. It’s dark and stormy and sparks fly behind his eyes.

“Remi,” Justin snaps, and I blush at having been caught defiling his wife. I avert my gaze and stare at a spot on the wall.


“Baby girl?” he asks, ignoring me as he practically sprints across the room. Julia has collapsed onto the floor, crying into her hands. He falls to his knees in front of her, his eyes going wide when he takes in her disheveled appearance. “He didn’t,” Justin growls, and Julia just cries harder.

I try to put my clothing to rights without making it too obvious.

“It wasn’t his fault,” she begs, wiping her eyes and staring up at her husband. “It was me. I pushed him into it. Don’t be mad at Remi. It was my fault.”

“I—I have to go,” I stammer, losing feeling in my fingers.

For the first time since this started, I feel dirty. Like I’ve done something wrong.

We didn’t do this together, the three of us making a choice. Julia and I cheated on Justin.

I’m going to be sick.

I don’t make it two feet down the hallway before someone grabs me on the shoulder and yanks me back around. I never see it coming as Justin’s fist slams against the side of my jaw.

My head whips on my neck with an audible cracking sound, but he doesn’t give me a chance to collect my bearings, let alone an opportunity to retaliate.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asks, throwing my back up against the wall. My head hits with a resounding crack, and stars explode in front of my eyes. Justin splits and blurs in front of me, in surround sound and IMAX until his two furious forms blend back together.

“I’m sorry,” I say, stuttering over my words. I give my head a shake, and grey sparkles flare on the outside of my vision before the image of Justin becomes clear again.

“You’re sorry?” he seethes, gripping the front of my jacket and shaking me like a rag doll. “YOU’RE SORRY?! You use my wife like a two-dollar whore and then you tell me you’re sorry?”

“Justin!” Julia cries, pulling at his arm, but he shrugs her hands off his shoulder.