Page 68 of Free

Julia jerks in her chair, eyes wide as apples.

“W-what?” she stammers. She bites that bottom lip, her first tell, and squeaks when I growl like an animal. I rise from my seat and crowd in over the top of her chair with an arm on the back and a hand on her belly.

“Tell me what has been brewing inside of that brain of yours before I force it out of you. By force, I mean edge you until you’re spilling national secrets.”

Her hands lift to her mouth in a failed attempt to smother her escaping giggles.

“How can you possibly—”

“You’re a horrible secret keeper, Jules,” I cut her off. Her blue eyes are alight with happiness. “You don’t have it in you. Never play poker for real money. You’ll bankrupt us.” I try to keep my face hard, but it’s so difficult to do when she’s all but bouncing in excitement. “You’ve opened your mouth a dozen times the last few days only to snap it closed the minute Remi walked into the room.”

“I know!” she giggles and leans in conspiratorially. “Since he’s working from home, he’s everywhere.” Her voice drops even quieter. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s great. I love having him here. On the two days a week, we’re by ourselves, he takes little breaks all day long to eat me out. You know how horny I’ve been….”

I do know. It’s fantastic. Thank you, hormones.

“Why are you whispering?” I cut off her rambling.

Her eyes go wide, and she covers her mouth again.

“I don’t know,” she continues to whisper.

The sunlight filters in through the glass of the patio, and Julia is so fucking lovely. I know all about the pregnancy glow, but I never truly understood until just this moment. It’s like the sun has given her a halo. The blood is bouncing through her bloodstream, aided by the increase of beats from the pregnancy, and Julia blooms right before my eyes with her untidy blonde curls and paint smock covered in a lifetime’s worth of stories.

I cup her face in my hand and kiss her, and she sighs as soon as my lips touch hers. It’s such a relaxed and peaceful sound. Every muscle in her body goes soft, and the ease at which she goes boneless against me makes my cock stir in my jeans.

How easy it would be to drop her onto the couch and bury myself inside her until my name is dripping from her lips.

Very easy.

But I sent Remi out for a reason.

“Better spill it quick,” I mumble against her lips. “He’ll be back before you know it.”

I’m rewarded with a squawk, and Julia all but shoving me on my ass as she bursts from the chair in a flurry of agitation.

* * *

“Wait here!”

On light and bare feet, she skittles from the living area down the hallway that holds her art studio. I plop onto the couch and shove my hand down my briefs, giving my cock a quick squeeze before adjusting it in my pants. Then I stretch out across the cushions and link my hands on top of my chest.

“I did a thing,” she yells over her shoulder.

That phrase should terrify me.

It doesn’t, because I don’t scare easily, but if I said that to her? I can only imagine the horror that would grace her features. I chuckle to myself as I run through the list of shit she’d do in Remi’s honor that she hasn’t had the courage to show him yet.

Did she find a Knicks cheerleaders outfit? Or maybe she finally finished the wallet I knew she’d been working on for him. Something involving embossed leather or other such shit I know nothing about.

I bounce into a sitting position when Jules comes back into view with a manilla folder in her hands. Our lawyer’s logo stands out like a brand.

My stomach dips and lands somewhere around my ankles.

Now I’m petrified.


She sits on the edge of the couch and drops the folder onto my lap, biting her lip. I grab the envelope, so it doesn’t fall off, but don’t take my eyes off her and the way she’s rubbing her belly like a touchstone.