Page 61 of Free

He presses himself between my flesh, and it’s everything I need and more. The slide and drag of his cock against my walls. The way he wraps his arms around my body and holds me to his heart.

Finally, desperately he kisses me, and the way his tongue twists and tangles with mine makes me want to melt on the spot.

It’s languorous and sinful, the way he thrusts cleverly inside me.

His heart is unguarded and bare, and the love that flows through our touches is positively luscious. The little sounds of pleasure he makes feel just as good as the feel of him sliding in and out of my cunt.

It’s peaceful as we lose ourselves to each other. Justin’s hand slips down between my legs, and he touches himself, where he disappears inside me.

“Gods, Justin.”

My voice is raspy and desperate, and I clench down around his dick with each painfully perfect stroke. Even in this position, I can hear the sloppy wetness of our bodies joining together.

Justin says my name, and I whimper at how it falls from his lips and makes his voice tremble with need and desire.

His pace speeds up against his wishes, with his arm tightening against my chest. His fingers skim my clit in tight tiny circles, and I start to come undone. He rests his head against my shoulder, and the pants and grunts that puff against my back set my soul on fire.

Every nerve ending in my body is singing.

Justin pulls me down on top of him, spreading my legs and holding me close, and I come apart in his grasp. It’s like surrendering to a riptide and holding your breath while it pulls you under.

Terrifying, sure.

But if you know you’ll survive, it’s well worth the ride.

Justin’s orgasm takes him with a groan.

Will there ever come a time when he doesn’t fight the end every step of the way? He spills himself inside me, and it feels like he’s been petrified when he freezes at his apex. The only sound is the harsh gasping of his breath, then the thundering of our hearts as they race to see who can beat faster.

I’m panting and covered in sweat and still somehow wearing Remi’s cadig that I went to bed in. Justin’s arms have me wrapped up tight like a warm blanket in front of the fire.

“Best dream ever,” Justin puffs, his muscles finally relaxing.

He slips my leg back over his hip, which I really should thank him for as my thigh was starting to cramp. He tucks my breasts back into my night clothes, though most of the buttons have come undone.

Then while I’m still trying to come to terms with how wonderful I feel, Justin pulls the blanket back over our chests and promptly falls asleep. With his dick still inside me.


That’s just rude.

I’m perfectly awake now, and Justin is sound asleep.

I wiggle my hips, and Justin slides free from me, his body soft against my back.

I make a mental note to talk to Justin about common courtesy and manners, then listen to the even deepness of his breathing. I could almost, maybe, fall back asleep again, just like this—until the butterflies kick inside my stomach and the painful clench of my bladder muscles remind me I’m eighteen weeks pregnant and haven’t peed in at least an hour. Which, at this point, is anhour too long.

I crawl from the bed and duck waddle to the toilet, cleaning up the mess Justin left between my legs, then pick my phone up from the bedside table and slide back in beside my husband to doze until our third calls to tell me good morning.



"I've been thinking," Justin breaks the silence of the three of us lounging in the tub. Julia has a'before my belly gets too big bucket list,' and the three of us in the bath together were at the top.

"Oh no," Julia snickers.

Like the first time the three of us shared the soaking tub, Julia is against my chest, and Justin is rubbing her feet.