Over the last several weeks Julia's areolas have darkened to the color of a cherry pit and almost doubled in size. They're so sensitive now that even blowing hot air across her skin has her back arching. She slaps her flat palm onto the desktop over and over and stomps the heel of her foot on the arm of the chair when I twirl the tip of my tongue around one peak, and then the other.
Her body's response to the slightest stimuli is so visceral it's intoxicating. There's a storm of pure ecstasy just waiting to be set free these days and her insatiable need is contagious.
"How many times have you come today?" I ask her before I suck her entire breast into my mouth.
"Three? Four?" Jules replies through clenched teeth. She digs her nails into my bare ass.
"How many times have you come in one day?"
I open my eyes to watch as I grab the base of my dick and line it up with her entrance before sheathing my cock in one fell swoop. Julia grunts when my pelvis smashes into her mound.
Fuck, she’s so warm. Her cunt is swollen from sex and hormones and she's so fucking tight! I press us together as tight as we can and claim her mouth in a kiss so fierce our teeth clack together like inexperienced teenagers.
"Seven? Eight?" she belatedly replies when I pull almost all the way out and ram my cock as deep as I can.
I scoop her from the table and she links her ankles over my hips and latches her arms across my shoulders.
"Hold on tight," I mumble and harden my grip on her bum. "This is going to be fast."
"Yes!" she chants against my lips. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Oh gods, please fuck me!"
It is fast.
Jules digs her nails into the nape of my neck and wails as I give her exactly what she asks. With zero grace and my heart thudding out of my chest I snap my hips and fuck her with a fever that makes my blood stutter in my veins. Julia's pussy tightens around me almost immediately.
She groans deep and primal, sounding so much like a wild animal that I can feel her tension vibrate from her chest to mine.
Her cunt flutters and I would be surprised if I don't have blood pooling in the half-moon imprints her nails are sure to leave on my back.
I have to catch us with a hand slammed onto the table when my orgasm rips through me and robs me of my ability to stand up straight. I keep just enough wherewithal to tighten my hold on her, painfully cognizant of that hard knot pressed against my stomach that is our child cradled inside her.
The child that, most likely, just got a rather rude awakening.
With one hand circling her back and the other on the table I pour my soul inside her. I come and come, my knees shaking and my stomach contracting with the force of our coupling and its rather savage release.
I can actually feel her heartbeat through her pussy walls, her heart is beating that fast.
Slowly, and with a horrible lack of coordination, Jules slides from my grip and sinks bonenessly back onto the desk. Her arms flop down like wet noodles, and she drags heavy legs up beside her before tipping onto her side, gasping air and blinking like a freshly born doe.
"That's all?" I pant, picking up our forgotten conversation. "Just eight?"
Julia laughs. It's weak and breathless but her smile is luminous. "Isn't that enough?"
“Oh no," I shake my head. "Not nearly enough. Today is the day we break that record. We're gonna shatter it into a thousand pieces.”
Julia squeals when I toss her slightly into the air and pin her bridal style against my chest.
“Time to move this party to someplace soft.”
I’m not quite sure what wakes me up. From the way the morning sunlight filters in through the window, it’s still barely daybreak.