Page 56 of Free

After all, she was raised by Mrs. Jones, and the old woman runs a tight ship. Before, I didn't understand the weird parent/child-employee/employer thing they had going. Now though? She may be a kind and benevolent master, but there’s no question that we are in Mrs. Jones’s domain, and allowed residence at her hospitality.

“You okay?”

Her entire body is thrumming with tension.

“Uh-huh,” she says through clenched teeth.

Amusement rumbles around in my chest, and I can’t decide whether to laugh at her or drop to the ground and help her start to clean up. She’s obviously put a lot of effort into her performance today. I would expect this sort of seduction from Justin, not from Jules.

I wonder if this was always their plan, and Justin telling me he'd pick me up for lunch was just a cover. For all I know, Justin is in the other room.

It's a long, painful heartbeat while my eyes flicker between the mess and the tightness in Julia’s shoulders as she decides which baser instinct will win, but finally, her hands unclench, and she returns to her panther-like teasing.

Anticipation coils in my stomach, making it clench and cramp as Jules hitches her skirt higher and higher. Painfully slow, she reveals the lacy tops of her black stockings and the delicate, ruched ribbons connecting them to the belt around her hips.

Her panties are Christmas green, a stark contrast to the pale white color of her skin and the endless black abyss of her garter belt.

I take a surprised breath when she crawls onto my table from the opposite side, moving like a lioness stalking her prey before settling in the middle and slowly spreading her legs.

The smell of her sex hits me anew. It’s wet and sticky and makes the taste buds burst on my tongue. Through the damp satin of her thong, something shiny and red sparkles between her legs.

“You naughty, naughty girl.”

Julia smirks and licks her lips—an eyebrow lifted in a perfect taunt. She transfers her weight to her elbows, supporting her behind her back, and scoots, so her pussy is perfectly framed between her thighs and under the growing bump.

My cock throbs, all the blood in my head rushing between my legs.

“Justin says he’s sorry he couldn’t be here, but he wanted to make sure you ate.” Each of her feet land on the edge of the desk, her toes curling around the wooden trim for purchase before her knees fall open as wide as they’ll go. “Better hurry,” she whispers. “Your lunch is almost over.”

Her panties aren’t damp. They’re soaked. I drag the backs of my knuckles up from her bum towards her clit and feel—

"How did my lunch get placed in here?"

With a single finger hooked inside of her panties, I pull the crotch away to reveal a perfectly smooth cunt—hot and swollen from previous abuse—stoppered with a garnet-encrusted plug.

"He visited me first."

I can’t peel my eyes away. I know from first-hand experience this isn't the first time her office has borne witness to debauchery.

“All this is for me?”

I pull her outer lips back to expose the rose-gold shimmer of her clit and admire the seepage of my feast dripping from around the plug.

“All for you.”

They really do take such good care of me. Over and over, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have people like them in my life. From Julia constantly baking my favorite cookies to Justin reading to me at night, now here they are, ensuring I consume a well-balanced diet.

Jules is already breathy and weak. I can almost see her bud fatten with need. She bears down, looking for friction and a way to fill the gaping hole between her legs. Her cunt is swollen enough that I can tuck the tiny fabric of her thong to the side and be relatively sure it’ll stay out of my way while I eat.

I shake my head in disbelief and bite my lower lip without thinking.

Lucky me. Dinner and a show.

Reverently, I pull the teardrop-shaped plug from her pussy. It makes a squelching sound that blends perfectly with Julia’s moan from the scant stimulation.

Without taking my eyes off her weeping cunt I reach up and place the plug in her mouth.
