“Fine!” I surrender, lifting my voice a little. I climb from behind my cushion cave and scoot until I’m sitting right in front of them. “I’m a needy, attention-loving, cuddle slut. I won’t buy you another ring then. Matter of fact, if we aren’t engaged, you can give me that one back.”
Julia snorts again. I swear I hear her mumble something about drama queens.
“Now, now,” Remi says immediately. He brings his hand bearing the ring back around Julia, and hides it out of my sight protectively. “Let’s not be too hasty.”
Oh, My God! I throw my hands up into the air. They say I’m melodramatic.
“Make up your mind, baby!” I laugh as Remi huffs in amused disgruntlement.
I scoot even closer and rise on my knees and place both my hands on Remi’s thighs. I dig my palms into the muscle and run them up and down while I try to gather my thoughts.
“You already promised to come with me to the cocktail party for the incoming library majors. I want to introduce you as my husband. We’ve already won the battle, Remi. The fight is over. It’s time to enjoy our spoils of war.”
Julia grins at Remi and me—his face flips through too many emotions to keep track of. His fingers unconsciously run through Julia’s hair as his eyes flit over my face. I try to show him how much he deserves this. How much it would mean to me to be able to tell the world that he belongs to us.
“Spoils of war, huh?”
I dig my fingers into his thigh as a surge of excitement and victory bursts in the pit of my stomach and tumbles through my bloodstream like fireworks on the fourth of July.
“Yeah. Spoils of war, with you on my arm as the prize.”
Julia places a long kiss on his throat, right under his Adam’s apple. Remi’s chest swells as he takes a shudderingly deep breath and settles himself deeper into the couch.
“Give me a few days to get my head wrapped around it, yeah.”
I can do that. I want to kiss him, but I can’t reach from my perch on the floor and so settle on prying his arm out from around Julia’s waist and place my lips on his ring instead.
“You have about six months until we need to fill out the birth certificate, but do me a favor and don’t take that long.”
Remi snorts, Julia giggles, and I crawl back to my study cave, safe behind my cushions.
Remi sits at the kitchen table when I get home from my errand the following day. Mrs. Jones picked up a bug , so it’s just us as Julia is back at work, and we ordered Amelia to stay in bed with chicken soup deliveries for the rest of the week.
I drop my bag onto the table and kick my shoes off underneath it, all the while feeling the box in my pocket scorch a hole through the fabric until I can feel the hard corners leaving an imprint in my thigh.
Remi looks like he’s going over the same stack of documents he was staring at yesterday. His brow is furrowed, his thumb is once again twisting his ring round and round his finger, and it’s just such a cute look on him.
“Kiss,” I order.
He lifts his eyes from the computer screen and gives me a bemused smile before gripping the front of my shirt and hauling my face down to meet him. He’s already reversing his arm and shoving me away when I tighten my grip on the back of his chair and pry open his lips with my tongue.
I could kiss him for hours. I really could. Make a day of simply alternating between his mouth and Julia’s.
“Give me your ring back real quick,” I mumble when I finally pull away.
Remi’s eyes all but burst out of his head, and he yanks his fingers to his chest protectively, covering them with his other hand. He jerks so swiftly and with so much force, the table bounces beside him.
“What?! Fuck you!” He snarls in outrage. “I didn’t take it off once. Not once through that entire shitstorm. What makes you think I’m going to take it off now?”
I sigh and roll my eyes at his melodramatics, though it gives me a sick twisty thrill of pleasure to see how fiercely he’s defending that little scrap of metal. I open my fist to show the new jewelry box between my finger and thumb and give it a little wiggle. If possible, his eyes get even wider. Using my foot, I drag the chair closest to Remi closer still and situate myself until my knees are outside of his thighs and we’re as tight as we can get sitting on separate pieces of furniture.
“Fine, then give me your other hand.”
He does, and his hand shakes when he pries it away from its location of protecting the first ring I gave him. I lift his fingers to my lips and kiss his palm before placing the black velvet box on my lap. I pop the top and pull out the ring I picked this morning.
Black titanium, with a middle made of sapphires.