He catches my eye in the mirror, and it's a shock to see how tightly Justin is holding himself together. His hair is wild, and the blue is almost missing from his beautiful eyes, replaced by burning black. His fist is speeding over his dick in a bid to ease some of the building pressure.
The tattoo on his side stands out stark, Julia’s brand marking him as hers forever.
"Can I have you?"
When have I ever told him no?
"Yes," I whisper and keep Justin’s gaze in the mirror until he parts my asscheeks and buries his head between my legs.
My mouth drops open with a moan at the first touch of his wet tongue around my asshole. He circles the tight bud with the tip of his tongue, then licks a stripe down my ass from tailbone to balls.
I want to look away, but I can't. My eyes are shiny, and my chest is panting. My knuckles are trembling with the force of my grip, where my hands are tangled in the sheets.
I know Justin loves my ass. He tells me all the time.
But now I can see the way my back curves and the swell of my cheeks as Justin digs his fingers into the meat and pries my ass even further apart.
I look savage and hungry and debauched.
I can’t—I can’t watch anymore. I drop my forehead to the mattress and grind back on Justin’s face. I forget about my pride and I ignore all of my embarrassment and instead I roll around in how good he makes me feel.
Justin twirls his tongue around my balls and nibbles on my perineum. He sucks on my asshole, using his teeth and his lips and his tongue.
"Please," and "fuck," and "yes," and "more," fall from my lips as Justin presses past the rim of my hole and fucks into my ass with his tongue. Every thought, every fear, every emotion I've ever had bleeds away until it's only me and him and the way he makes me feel in this moment. Until it's my wanton moans blending with his gasping slurps and the whine ripped from deep in my throat when Justin slips two fingers in with his tongue and flicks the pads of his fingertips over that magic spot I used to think was fiction.
I close my eyes, and I grit my teeth, and I clench my muscles, and break—just like Justin wanted me to—on his tongue—cck untouched.
When I return to my senses, limbs still light and floaty, I'm lying on my side, and Justin is taking a baby wipe to my stomach.
"Welcome back, beautiful."
"Love you," I mumble and run my fingers down the side of Justin’s face.
The asshole laughs at me and catches my wrist, placing a kiss on the middle of my palm.
I get a little sappy after I come. Especially when we're in a scene. Whether it started out that way, the mirror play hit my sub button hard. It's not my fault. I can't be held responsible for my actions. I blame JJ. No, I blame Julia and all that bullshit she spouted about how wonderful it feels to be his good boy.
It's done something to me. Permanently altered my DNA or whatever.
"You okay?" he asks with a gentle smile.
"Mmm-hmm." I make grabby hands, like a toddler. Again. "Kisses."
He does as I ask and kisses me, and it’s the softest kiss we've shared all night. I sag into the mattress, goosebumps exploding up and down my arms. All I need is a blanket, and I'd be happy as a kid in a candy store.
"More," I try to beg.
I don't understand what I mumble, though, so I doubt he does either. He seems to get the point anyway. He lets his weight press me into the mattress. My legs link around his waist.
We're right back where we started; my hands pinned over my head and me relishing how good it feels to be underneath him.
Julia lied when she told me I'd get used to the way he makes me feel. I haven't. Or if I have, I haven't grown a tolerance for it.
I never want to.