It's a cock ring, thick and shiny, with two circles bound together in the middle.
It slides on his cock easily, and I watch with wide eyes and a watering mouth as he manipulates the second band down around his balls. It pulls them tight and high, putting his dick on display like a feast.
He strokes his glistening dick, dragging his fingers lightly up and down his length.
“Hut hut,” he taunts, sitting back down and patting his lap.
My muscles clench with anticipation, but my head rebels as I glance between Justin and the mirror and back again. I jerk to my feet as adrenalin courses through my bloodstream.
"You're out of your ever lov'n mind,” I growl. “I'm not fucking you in front of the mirror!"
Justin wiggles his eyebrows and thrusts his hips, fucking into his fist.
"Why not?"
"Because! Because it's…"
"Hot," he supplies when I falter in my denials. "So fucking hot."
It is hot in here. I’m sweating, and there's a buzzing in my ears. I try to scowl at him, but my gaze keeps being drawn back to the mirror. Justin meets my eyes in the glass and licks his lips, continuing to touch himself gently. My hand wanders to my dick like it has a mind of its own, then further down to tug on my balls.
"I can wait," Justin taunts. His eyes flick over to the bedside clock. It's barely eight on Friday night. Jules is at the spa for a girls' weekend. "We have all the time in the world."
Literally. We don't have to leave the apartment until Monday morning. We don't even have to leave the master to eat. The room is bursting with snacks tucked away for Julia’s constantly growling stomach.
"Why do you always have to push me, J?"
"Because you like it. Because you want it. Unless…" his eyes start at my feet and slowly trail up my body. "Unless you wanna watch me ride your cock?" he offers. "Is that what you want? Do you want to watch as your dick plunges in and out of my ass?"
Justin lifts his foot to the cushion to spread his legs and reaches between his thighs, running his fingers over his asshole.
My muscles clench up painfully, reminding me of how empty I feel without Justin inside me. Is that what he wants? We haven't switched places since…shit. Since the first time, he fucked me. I cast my mind back for the last time Julia fucked him with the strap-on, and I can't remember that either.
Are we neglecting something Justin wants?
But J's cheeks are tilted up, and he's biting hard on his bottom lip as he teases himself, and no, he doesn't really want to ride me. He just wants to hear me say that I want to ride him.
In front of a fucking mirror.
"No," I shake my head. "I don't want to fuck you."
"Oh?" he drags his bottom lip between his teeth over and over while his eyes sparkle like blue fire. "Then what do you want, baby?"
I'm a grown-ass man. I should not be getting all twisty from him calling me baby. But fuck—my skin tingles with the way he stares at me. I feel like I'm melting from the inside out.
"Come one, J. Stop teasing. You know what I want," I try to push him off.
"Not unless you say it, I don't."
I'm panting. Untouched, feet of space between us, and he’s got me panting like a dog in heat.
"Ah, is my beggy bottom embarrassed? If you don't like how squirmy it makes you, you know the magic word to make it stop."
I'm not using my safe word. But by not using my safe word, I acknowledge that I love it when he makes me squirm. I love all of his attention, hyper-focused on making me blush and, yes, making me beg.
"I hate you."