Page 83 of Holding On to Day

“Nuh-uh, Day,” he said, yanking her roughly against him. “You don’t deny me the chance to come inside you. Besides, wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I sent you home without cleaning you up first.”

Her cheeks colored at his words, the thought of him coming inside of her setting her off all over again, but she narrowed her eyes, pointing out, “You’re no gentleman, Mac.”

His hand found its way to her bare bottom in a loud and hearty smack. She squeaked and jolted against him, delighting them both as naked flesh slid against naked flesh, soft feminine parts caressing hard parts. “Hang on; you’re in for a night of it with that attitude.”

Bottom smarting, the sensation pleasurable despite the sting, she admonished him, “You’re very rough, Mac.”

He gave her an assessing look through his prideful smirk. “Never been spanked?”

She gave it some serious thought. “Other than the other day? Maybe when I was two!”

With a delighted grin, he whacked her on the ass again, drawing another shocked squeal from her. “You have an ass for smacking.” But he then rubbed her rounded posterior appreciatively, which did something entirely different to her, though it was no less tantalizing.

“No.” She tried to twist in his arms, trying to leverage herself off him, experiencing sensory overload. She was going to turn into a drooling, begging fiend if she didn’t get off him. But, holy cow, he was irresistible.

Grabbing on to her butt cheeks, he instructed her again, “Hang on.” He shifted beneath her.

Cassidy was shaking her head, determined to leave his embrace, when he started to stand, bringing her with him. The only thing he was holding on to was her ass. With a surprised shriek, she threw her arms around him. Realizing he’d been serious, she wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from falling backward onto her head.

“What the—?” she asked, clinging to him as he turned and took the steps onto the porch.

“Gonna fuck you. Gonna clean us up first, then I’m gonna fuck you.” Adjusting his hold on her, he opened the screen door.

Cassidy’s cheeks flamed again at his frank words and she wanted to smack herself in the face for continuously blushing. “Didn’t you just do that?”

He chuckled. “No, you fucked me. I’m returning the favor.”

Chapter twenty-eight



Cassidyknewhecouldfeel the renewed rush of wetness his words created, with her legs wrapped around him. She ducked her head.

Damn, this man.

Inside the door, he barked out, “Fred!”

She jumped at the command. Good lord, she’d forgotten her dog was outside. Watching! “Oh my god, we’ve traumatized Fred.”

Mac laughed outright, the rumble reverberating through her, thrilling her, kicking her libido even higher; she didn’t think it was possible. And seeing him laugh—really laugh—she’d never seen that before: Mac unguarded, the lines at the corners of his eyes, the slight crinkles around his mouth.

But his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes, lit up with mirth as he rewarded her with a glance, no derision, no shutter, no veil. Only warmth, humor, and… appreciation?

Fuck. Yes, she wanted him to fuck her again. With that relaxed look on his face, in his eyes, not the guarded Mac, the smirking, arrogant asshole, but the one he let slip through. This one, the one she’d seen at the bar, had heard in her boathouse. The one Jason had mentioned he was working on killing.

Cassidy felt a surge of affection that he’d let her see the side he no longer wanted as a part of himself. And in that brief flicker into the person Jason insisted had existed, she determined she wanted to see more of it—of him.

But his eyes swept away, watching as Fred came trotting through the door.

Mac indicated the kitchen corner. “Sit.”

Fred sauntered to where Mac indicated and plopped down, staring at them.

Cassidy buried her face in Mac’s shoulder. “I can’t look at him looking at us.”

Chuckling, Mac headed toward the bathroom. “He’s a dog. He doesn’t care that we’re naked.”