Page 80 of Holding On to Day

As she made a move to straddle his waist on the steps, he pointed out, amused, “Easier to do this without clothes.”

Cassidy paused, looking at his boxers. “I’m not the only one dressed here.”

With a grin and sparkle in his eyes turning his handsome face downright heart-stopping and made her stomach seize, he divested himself of his boxers so quickly Cassidy thought it should have been part of a magic act. But all thought was stuttered by his impressive erection; she blinked—may have moved backward. If she’d been wearing pearls, she’d have clutched them.

He’d been beautiful to behold the day he’d greeted her naked at the door, at rest, but now? Cassidy couldn’t stop staring. He was magnificent; perfectly shaped. He wouldn’t even need to know what to do with such a weapon for it to be effective, the length and girth enough to have her apprehensive and excited. But apparently, he did. No wonder he was an arrogant jerk—he quite literally had every right to be.

Realizing she’d been staring, she startled. Looking up, she was rewarded with his smug expression.

Yep, prick.

Great big, glorious, prick.

“A little humility…” she comically chided.

His devilish grin widened as though to ask,why?

Now horribly self-conscious, she reached beneath her dress and removed her underwear. She dropped them to the ground and kicked them aside, noticing his concerned and disappointed frown when she left her dress on.

Stepping onto the stairs over him, one leg on either side of his, she lowered herself to settle on his lap, her skirt blanketing them. His hands guided her down, sliding up her thighs, giving a slight squeeze along the tops, his thumbs rubbing close to the apex that was eager for his attention.

She was at his exact height in this position. Looking into his piercing eyes, the thundering of her heart painful in her chest, she couldn’t imagine he couldn’t feel it too—hear it. His heat; how vulnerable she was, her legs spread and ready for him, an ache demanding to be satisfied.

Mac reached up and grasped her neck, his humor replaced with sincerity, as he confirmed, “Day, you want this?”

Cassidy’s lashes fluttered as she answered, “Yes.”

His sharp look told her he didn’t fully believe her. He hesitated.

Biting her lower lip, a gesture he honed in on breathlessly, she admitted, “I’m not as… I haven’t… The women you’re used to…”

He frowned, assuring her, “I’m withyou, Cassidy.” His tone told her no one else mattered. He raised an eyebrow, challenging tightly, “Who are you with?”

Her trembling hands found their way to his hard stomach, and she looked into his eyes, answering, “You, Mac.” Saying the words out loud made her dizzy; her heart took a spin, and a series of flutters were let loose in her stomach.

Sitting on Mac’s lap, sans panties and legs spread, she could feel the hot pulse of his erection against her. Her body answered, the slickness proving her eagerness for him.

“Yeah? Well, I want you naked.” His fingers ghosted up along her hips, tickling lightly over her abdomen, causing her muscles there to jump and contract under his touch and setting off another set of delicious shivers. He skated higher, bringing the material with him, skirting ribs but missing aching peaks, causing her to lose her breath. “Arms up.”

Cassidy complied, holding eye contact with him until the material blocked her, then she closed her eyes, her head falling back as the air touched her overly sensitive nipples, but more than that: the fire of his gaze. The tips hardened even more, pleased by his attention.

For the second time tonight, the material was cast aside and drifted away. When she opened her eyes again, he was looking at her body, his dark eyes searing a path upward from her spread legs to her swollen breasts, puckered and awaiting his pleasure, their rapid rise and fall following the pace of her breaths.

As his gaze roamed freely, his fingertips creating heady sensations just by caressing her upper thighs, Cassidy became self-conscious, remembering all the times he’d remarked on her weight. She started to bring her arms around to shield herself, but he grasped her wrists, shooting her a stern look.

“You think I’m too skinny,” she defended her action.

“Don’t tell me what I think.” He angled her arms behind her, placing her hands on his knees; her back arched, torso bowed toward him, leaving her vulnerable to him. “Stay.” The order was issued with a devilish glint that took her breath.

And then his hands were on her breasts, letting them fill his palms, measuring their fit and weight. He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as she leaned back farther, a whimper escaping her as she obediently braced her hands on his knees, tilting her head back.

“Fuck, Day,” he breathed, a pleased look on his face, like a question had been answered to his satisfaction.

As if he couldn’t disappoint their pointed pleading, he leaned forward and sucked a tip into his mouth, between his teeth. She let out a strangled cry, her fingernails digging into him, and he groaned in response. He seemed to thrill in her tremors as he sucked and his fingers caressed.

She brought one hand around and grasped his head and held it to her, fingers clawing into his scalp. She lowered her head to his, her breath heavy against the top of his head as she watched him work her nipple. Every caress of his tongue, nip of his teeth, created a more insistent pulse between her legs.

And then she surprised herself. Without thinking, she moved her other hand between them, sliding her fingers along the rigid length of him, eliciting an approving hiss. Encouraged, she gripped him harder, sliding up and down firmly as he nipped her clavicle with another appreciative curse.