Page 66 of Holding On to Day

Returning to her, Mac grasped her legs and unceremoniously shoved them into the vehicle before slamming the door shut. He made his way around and climbed into the driver’s side, putting the truck in gear. Cassidy gave up attempting a level of normalcy and collapsed on the bench, her head coming to rest snugly between his hip and the seatback.

Mac reached down and moved her hair out of her face. The gesture reminded her of Elijah and how he’d stroke her hair; how comforting it was. Closing her eyes, she willed him to do it, just once, so she could have that memory come alive for her. But he didn’t, his hand returning to the steering wheel.

Apparently, hair-stroking was another thing he didn’t do.

The list was getting longer.

“What possessed you?”

The question was more to himself, but she answered, “Jason said it’d help.”

“Jase—?Jasondid this?”

Cassidy heard the edge in his tone and tried to calm him. “I mean, it was a suggestion.”

But he had already shifted, pulling out his cell phone and dialing. “Fuck’s sake.” He held the phone up as he waited for an answer.

The connection made, Jason’s voice echoed in the cab, “Hey, what’s up?”

Mac panned the screen down to Cassidy, who was still a mess with her flushed cheeks over pale and clammy skin. She protested the screen pointed in her direction, turning her face into the seat to try to hide, bringing her hands up. “Stop!” she protested.

“What the—Cassie?”

“Found her like roadkill.”

Cassidy lifted a hand to smack him but missed; her hand fell harmlessly to the bench in front of her. “Liar.”

“Did you tell her to go jogging in the middle of the day?”

The stricken response came back, “I told her to get some exercise. Jogging? Yeah, I said it, but… Cassie, what—?”

“The woman doesn’t eat!”

Now Cassidy made more of a concerted effort to end this conversation. “Stop! That’s not true!” Tilting her head back, she aimed for his arm holding the phone, but he knocked her hand away with his elbow.

“Cassie, what the hell were you thinking?” Jason demanded, the screen no longer angled toward her.

“I’m fine!” she demanded, struggling to sit up. “Captain Asshole here is exaggerating. I got a little light-headed.”

Mac frowned down at her, his gaze surprised and daring. “Captain—? You want me to take you back where I found you?” To punctuate his words, he stomped on the brakes.

“Mac.” There was a warning in Jason’s voice.

Cassidy’s eyes widened at his stern expression. He looked ready to do it. Shaking her head sheepishly, she answered, “No.”

Mac rasped into the phone, “No more helpful advice, brother. I don’t have time for this drama.” He ended the call on the sound of Jason’s response. He stomped on the gas again. She assumed he turned into their shared driveway, the veer was toward her house. Just as dramatically, he stopped.

He placed the vehicle into park and turned off the ignition, watching her watch him for a few seconds. Reaching for his handle, he asked, “Gonna stay in the car?”

Cassidy startled. Damn, he was bossy and rude. “No,” she sniped back. She sidled over to her door and opened it.

“Can you handle yourself?”

“Doing just fine,” she sassed back as she slid out of the Scout.

“Sweetheart, you’re doing anything but fine,” he pointed out.

Cassidy cast a glare over at him as she slammed the door shut, the effort causing her to wobble. She grimaced at the show of weakness, but it didn’t deter her from reaching for the back door to let Fred out.