Page 54 of Holding On to Day

“Okay, kid. Let me know if that changes.”

“Will do.” She hung up. Well, hell. Her eyes swung over to Darlene, who was concentrating on a calculator and a green bar ledger book. She was biting on the tip of her pen as she poured over the numbers.

Moving over to Darlene, her eyes went to Mac, gauging where he was, the rabbit keeping an eye on the fox. She leaned over the bar top. Mac glanced her way, but his appraisal was brief. She felt a sense of relief any time she didn’t hold his undivided attention.

“Hey, Dar?”


“So, there’s a pop-up storm.”

Darlene blinked up at Cassidy blankly, and then her eyes brightened as she turned and surveyed the more crowded than usual bar, taking note of the music pumping through the speakers from the jukebox. “Awesome! I can help out until Jemma gets here.”

Cassidy smiled. “Right, well… I can’t get home. Can I stay at your place tonight?”

Darlene waved her hand. “Sure.”

Relieved, she pressed, “And Fred?”

Darlene made a face as she sat up straight. “Ah, come on, Cassie. You know I hate dogs. And in the rain, he’ll be wet and smelly.” She scanned the area. “Give him to Mac.”

Cassidy’s cheeks flushed as she dropped her head, her eyes going to the wooden bar top. “I’d rather keep Fred with me.”

Darlene turned in her seat on the stool, raising her hand and waving. “I’ll take you, but not the dog. He likes the dog.”

“Darlene, no!” Cassidy tried to reach across the space to bring her hand down, but it was too late. Mac noticed the commotion, and he watched them, trying to figure out what was going on, his dark eyes gliding between the two women, one attempting to get his attention while the other trying to stop her.

“Cassidy, it’s just a dog,” Darlene snapped in irritation. She shouted across the bar. “Mac! Come here!” Looking back at a stricken Cassidy, she scolded, “You act like that mutt is gold.”

Cassidy looked for an escape but realized she couldn’t flee without making the situation worse. After all, how many times could she run? So she stood back from the ledge and wrapped her arms around herself, watching him approach from beneath the bill of her cap. Unlike herself, he didn’t seem the least bit flustered. He wore his usual jeans and another Henley. There was curiosity in his gaze as he considered her, noticing her unease, but otherwise, he gave nothing away.

He stopped at the end of the bar and leaned over it, his posture similar to what hers had been moments ago, relaxed. He rested on his elbows, his eyes fixed on Cassidy as he asked, “What’s up, Dar?”

“So, it’s like, storming out,” Darlene informed him.

He shifted his attention to Darlene, his expression perplexed. “I know.”

Darlene pointed at Cassidy. “And she—”

“You need a ride home?” Mac cut Darlene off, his voice a rich, warm purr.

“No!” She blurted out, causing his expression to morph into confusion and suspicion.

“Well, that would solve everything,” Darlene said.

“No! I don’t… no!” Cassidy sacrificed her dog. “I’m staying with Darlene. But Fred—he does.”

Mac’s brows hit his hairline. “Fred?”

Darlene grimaced. “I hate dogs; it’s not staying with me. But Cassie, he can take you both. It makes sense.”

Mac scowled at Darlene. “How do you hate dogs? Afraid of them, I get, but hate?”

She exaggerated a shudder. “I just do.” She slammed the ledger shut. “They’re vicious. Take her, don’t take her, I don’t care. But that dog doesn’t stay at my place.” She spun and slid off the barstool, bringing her things with her. “Well, and oh shit, I can’t even return these to the office.” She looked at Cassidy accusingly.

Cassidy leaped forward, her hands out. “I’ll take them.” It would get her away from Mac. Her panic was growing with every second she spent in his presence. She could feel him watching her, sense his curiosity behind her intentional avoidance of his gaze.

“It’s nothing to take you home.”