Page 218 of Holding On to Day

Marge finally spoke up, but her question was directed to Mac, “Is this for real?”

Mac stared at her. He knew she didn’t ask Cassidy because she could see the truth of it written all over the woman’s face. Marge’s primary concern was with Mac.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Marge folded her arms, her expression guarded. “Awful fast.”

Grady scoffed, turning toward the lake. Silas glanced over at Grady.

“We don’t owe you any explanations,” Cassidy responded, her attempt at rebellion shaky at best. “And the last time we talked, you told me to forgive him.”

“There’s forgiveness, Cassidy, and there’s falling back into destructive patterns. You don’t forgive with sex; you don’t owe him that.”

Cassidy gasped, her jaw falling open. “That’s not what’s happening… it’s not! We’re…”

“Sweetheart,” Mac tempered.

Marge challenged, “Do you know what you’re jumping into with him, Cassie?”

“I do, but it’s none of your business.”

“Not my…?Seriously?After everything we’ve been through together, you think you can say that to me?” Marge pointed at Grady, who looked away guiltily, but focused her displeasure once again on Mac. “Do you think history can’t repeat? From what I understand from this man, your fiancée was buried a few weeks ago. Now you’re going after our Cassidy?”

Before he could respond, Cassidy lurched away from him. “That’s not fair, Marge! He’s not trading me in for someone else. I fell for him. I didn’t see it coming—I didn’t want it any more than he did—and I didn’t think it was possible. You, more than anyone, should know how true that is. But that’s not your call. Do I know what I’m jumping into? Maybe not. But that’s not your call, either.”

Marge’s voice dropped. “Sweet girl—”

“I know about Josie. I know all about it. Don’t think scenarios didn’t run through my mind on how she could have survived that situation; the ‘what ifs’ on her behalf. But,” she turned her head to look at him, “I couldn’t help it. I can’t, even with everything I know.” She shrugged. “Being with him… he’s worth the risk. I’d rather be with him than not, and today made that frighteningly clear.”

Mac ducked his head; looking up at her from beneath lowered lashes. The intense look in her eyes had a devastatingly humble effect. She figuratively brought him to his knees; his eyes glistened as he swallowed hard.

“Do you hear yourself? Therisk? Love shouldn’t come with risk.” Marge looked back and forth between Mac and Cassidy, her expression desperate.

“It does. It always does. You know that, too,” she fired back, facing Marge again.

“But yourlife, sweet girl?”

“You come here to talk her out of how she feels?” Mac asked quietly.

Marge demanded, “I’m concerned, Mac. I’m concerned that this isn’t real for you; that she isn’t your priority, because she is mine. And Silas’s. I’m concerned that a traumatic event triggered her, and you’re taking advantage because thisfeelsawfully fast.”

“Triggered you both,” Silas added meaningfully, eyeing Mac.

Cassidy started to protest their interpretation when Grady spoke up, “For what it’s worth, he lost his head over her a while back. Damn, he went so far as to name his boat for her.”

“What?” Cassidy asked, her eyes swinging from Grady to Mac.

“What?” Mac echoed, pretending innocent bafflement by the news.

Grady asked, “You mean she doesn’t know?”

Silas admitted, “Even I knew that.”

Mac grimaced. “Haven’t gotten to everything yet.”

Cassidy tilted her head. “I thought you said your boat meant—”

“Day Dreamer,” Mac murmured. “It’s Day Dreamer in Spanish.” His eyes widened, a silent beg that she didn’t repeat out loud what he’d said about the name when she’d asked: that it meant what he dreams about fucking all day.