Page 213 of Holding On to Day

“I used to be,” she added shyly. “I suppose I should pick some of that back up again.”

Mac looked contemplative but didn’t respond. His silence made her self-conscience: was she taking this for grated? Assuming too much? After all, she’d been the effusive one, making all the proclamations. He’d pushed her away—had been pushing her away from the start—and honestly, he hadn’t committed to anything more thanwantingher. But wanting her and not wanting other men to have her were a far cry from where she was at.

“Thinking awfully hard there, Day,” he pointed out.

“Nope.” She chickened out as she returned to eating her meal, wanting to savor these moments.Now, who was retreating?How they ever got around to being near each other long enough to have sex was a miracle. She needed to take the moments as they came and enjoy them.

Mac pointed his fork at her. “You can fuck right on off with that, whatever’s swirling in that head of yours. We’re here to eat, fuck, and figure this shit out.”

Cassidy gaped.

He regarded her intently. “I might not know your favorite movie or if you ever had a girl-on-girl experience in college—which, I do want to know—but I do know you. And I know you’re working yourself up to start walking back a whole bunch of shit.”

“Not walk it back,” she corrected him.

His eyes narrowed. “Then what?”

She bit her lip and sat back. “I interpreted your words to mean you wanted me to make a different choice. And I could have; tonight could have been very different.”

“You always have a choice. Tomorrow, you might make a different one.”

“It felt like you were pushing.”

“If you feel like I’m pushing, it’s because I’m worried. For you. I’m new to this, sweetheart. I’m going to fuck up.”

“So will I.”

He winked. “Got any tips from marital life?”

Her heart nearly stuttered that he’d reference marriage. She strove to calm herself down, relieved that he was attempting to lighten the tension. “We did have one rule.”

“What was that?”

“Never go to bed angry.”

Mac chewed as he watched her. “Doesn’t seem so hard.”

Cassidy chuckled. “Wait until you’re pissed off, and it’s late, then it’s a nightmare, swallowing your pride.”

“I can see that with you, being as stubborn as you are. But you have a mouth, and I have a cock; the situation can be resolved without words.”

She gasped, her jaw dropping.

A grin threatening to break out, he gestured with his fork. “Just like that.”

Reaching over, she slapped his arm. “That’s horrible!”

Ducking away, he laughed.

“And a good way to get your pride and joy bit off.”

“Ohhh.” He howled playfully, grabbing his cock in a protective gesture. Casting her a mischievous look, he predicted, “Not having this around would hurt you more than me. You’re addicted.”

She reached across to slap his arm again, but he grabbed her wrist, jerking her out of her chair and dragging her onto his lap. She didn’t protest mightily, falling onto his legs, struggling with him just enough to make him use a little bit of force to subdue her, wrapping his arms securely around her, pinning her arms to her side.

Nuzzling against her ear, making her giggle and swing her feet in protest, he groaned, “Forgot you weren’t wearing panties.”

She laughed, giving him a wary side-eye. “No, you didn’t.”