Page 151 of Holding On to Day

A curious look crossed his features before he looked at the desk again.

Cassidy pushed aside the monitor and wireless keyboard, making room for the laptop. “Just use it. You can’t be comfortable.”

Now one side of his mouth ticked upward. “Sat in more uncomfortable spots.”

“Suit yourself,” she mumbled, moving to the chaise as his eyes tracked her. She carefully curled up against the cushions, holding her cup. Looking back at him, she noticed the curiosity lurking in his dark gaze, and it wasn’t about the desk. “What?”

Mac watched her for a few seconds, then returned his attention to his laptop. “Nothing. Thanks for the tea.”

“That’s all the way over on the desk,” she said with a smirk of her own.

Heaving a put-upon sigh, Mac relented. “Fine.” He got to his feet and moved to the desk, setting down his laptop. He picked up the cup and sipped at the tea, narrowing his eyes. His expression was one of pleasant surprise. “Never had it before, but it’s not bad.”

Cassidy was pleased. “Elijah preferred it over coffee when he was working; the caffeine didn’t hit so suddenly, he claimed.”

“The man had flawless taste in women and dogs, so yeah, I can get behind this.” He glanced over to see her stunned expression. “What’s wrong?”

A hand going dramatically to her heart, she asked, eyes wide, “Did you… Could it be? Did you sort of compliment me?”

He gave her a lop-sided grin. “Fuck off, Day.”

“Or was that more for Elijah?”

“Your husband seemed like a decent guy,” Mac allowed. “And if you haven’t figured out how much I appreciate your body, I’ll demonstrate right now.”

Elation swirled with devastation. Her body, not her. Jesus, Mac, justsomething.

But she forced a smile. “Nah, I’m good.” Before he caught the lie in her eyes, she picked up the book from beside her chair and opened it, dismissing him before he ignored her.

“Day.” His tone included a gentle rebuke.

Uncalled-for, in her opinion. She pointed out, “You’re here to work, so work. I don’t mean to intrude. I can go to the other room.”

“Day,” he said again, this time an indicator she was being ridiculous.

That she could read his voice when he was only saying her name…

She asked, “Can’t you set the wireless so the signal will reach your cabin?”

His eyes narrowed; she dropped her gaze back to the words in front of her she wasn’t reading.

“The fuck’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“Nothing, it was just a question. Besides, you said something about updates anyway.”

But she recognized it, too. She was quarrelsome now because he was holding true to his word that he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted, and she was upset with him for it.

Not his fault; he hadn’t changed.

Setting the cup back on the desk, he folded his arms over his chest and answered her question. “No, I can’t. I can make sure your computer has its updates, though.”

She shrugged one shoulder, flipping the page in her book. “Do whatever you want.”

“Leaving that door wide open, sweetheart,” he warned in a low rumble.

A thrill chased through her. She chanced a glance up to gauge his intention, her own eyes sending the mixed signal ofGo, MacandDon’t leave me a choice, Mac.She wanted him to walk away, to continue to disappoint her so she could get it through her head she didn’t mean anything to him. But she also wanted him to yank her down on the chaise, spread her legs, and bury himself so deep and hard she forgot her own name.

He did neither. Shaking his head, he turned and pulled out the chair, sitting down and opening the laptop. “Be done soon enough. Then I’ll update your computer and get out of here.”