Page 149 of Holding On to Day

She shouldn’t be thinking about anyone taking possession of her heart, of her giving it to anyone because only one man had ever held it.

On the way home from their boat-shopping adventure, they stopped for pizza. He made her eat four slices, laughingly holding her against him as he shoved the fourth slice into her mouth as she snorted her guffaws, playfully fighting him.

Their antics didn’t bother the other patrons. But when he started licking the pepperoni grease off her face, kissing her thoroughly, tongue diving deeply, turning from playtime to single-minded need to possess, the manager sent them on their way. His ardor hadn’t cooled by the time they reached the parking lot, but there was no way she would let him have sex with her in the car in the middle of the day.

Compromising, she lowered her mouth to take him in. Satisfaction powered through her at the reverent disbelief on his face, as though this was an act rarely bestowed on him; something he’d not take for granted. His gasps and moans, his breathless curses mingled with praise, his fingers gripping her hair, losing control to her… it was a hell of an aphrodisiac.

It’d been several miles down the road before the glassy look faded from his eyes, but the pleased smirk lasted the duration of the trip. Based on that look, she was satisfied he relived the moment over in his mind.

For two days after, though, she didn’t see him. She’d worked both weekend days, Saturday night until close, but he hadn’t come in. Per their lighthearted arrangement, he was to have watched Fred on Sunday, but she didn’t take him over. Instead, she’d left Fred at the house as she used to do before she’d met Mac, leaving the doggie door unlatched. She had a suspicion that if Fred wanted to, he’d find his way to Mac, but she wasn’t ready to take him to the cabin.

Something had changed between her and Mac, but she wasn’t sure what, and she wasn’t sure if it was just something inside of herself. But, if he wanted to see her, he’d have to come to her, because she couldn’t trust herself or what she felt.

Because the line he’d drawn, if she was honest with herself, she’d crossed it long before now.

Roman showed up toward the end of her afternoon shift on Wednesday night, giving her a sheepish smile while he winked at Darlene. He even managed to pull off white linen shorts, a pale Polo, and a lightweight blue and white Ralph Lauren windbreaker

Darlene leaned over on the bar. “Good evening, Guv-na.”

He responded politely, “Good evening, Darlene. You look smashing tonight.” The delivery was sincere, his blue eyes kind. If there was any condescension or mocking intent behind his comment, it was veiled masterfully.

Darlene was wearing black pleather short shorts and a red rhinestone-studded bra barely passing as appropriate workwear. Her navel ring had been switched out for a red ruby stud. She could pull off the look, being petite with a tight body and large breasts—and it was her bar—butsmashing…Well, the eye of the beholder and all that.

“Thank you,” Darlene preened, straightening to give him the full effect with the black thigh-high boots, hands to the side of her head to elongate her body.

Roman obligingly acknowledged her outfit, then shifted his attention to Cassidy, his smile widening in genuine appreciation. “Hi.”

Cassidy smiled back, unsure if she should feel frumpy in her simple V-neck sleeveless short sundress with sunflowers on it. It was a deep V rising gently over the swells of her breasts, offering a glimpse of the rounded flesh, but she didn’t have the volume of display Darlene had. “Hi.”

His appearance was a little uncomfortable for Cassidy. She’d forgotten about him after she’d sent the thank-you text for his flowers. His existence had been on Mac’s radar, but not on hers; at least, not until now, when he was obviously here for her.

“So, I was hoping you would let me sweep you off your feet and completely underwhelm you with dinner in town?” he asked with a slight grin, his blue eyes teasing; hopeful.

Cassidy glanced over at Darlene, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat, proud of herself, looking excited. Clearly, she’d had a hand in Roman’s timely arrival. Looking back at Roman, Cassidy wasn’t sure how to respond.

Darlene’s cell phone blared out the archaicI’m too Sexyby Rico Suave. She took it out of her pocket and frowned at it.

Stalling, Cassidy attempted humor. “I don’t know how an underwhelming dinner translates to sweeping me off my feet.”

He responded, confident in his ultimate victory, “I’ll shine that much more compared to a simple meal; if I have to compete with beef Wellington and Dom, I might get lost in the glamour.”

Darlene held up her phone as though Cassidy could see the message from the distance. “What’s your Wi-Fi code?”

Perplexed, Cassidy scrunched up her face. “What? Why?”

“Mac needs it.”

She hadn’t heard from him since he’d bought a boat, and now, through Darlene, he’s demanding something as random as her Wi-Fi code? “What? No. Why?”

Rolling her eyes, Darlene typed into her phone. They all waited for the response. Cassidy paid attention this time to the ring tone and narrowed her eyes at Darlene, who wasn’t paying attention. Yes, Mac was sexy, but come on, Dar.

She read, “Rain knocked his out, he’s working. Needs yours.”

Cassidy had offered Elijah’s computer, so she supposed that translated to the Wi-Fi. She could feel Roman’s eyes on hers, a touch of concern in the air. “If he wants it, he asks me. I’m not telling the entire bar.”

“Darlin’, he doesn’t have your number,” Darlene pointed out.

“I wonder how he’ll work that out.”