Page 134 of Holding On to Day

“All right then,” he said, eyeing her suspiciously. “Counting on you.”

“I know,” she responded.

As he took a few steps backward, he pointed at Fred. “Don’t forget to bring his vest.” At her perplexed look, he pointed out, “We’ll be on a boat; bring his vest.”

Cassidy teased, “You are so overprotective.”

Mac grinned back.

Chapter forty-four



Cassidywasbothexcitedand nervous for Friday. It felt like a date. It wasn’t a date. Mac needed help, acknowledging that she had expertise he didn’t, and he was smart enough to solicit her help. If she wanted to learn how to shoot a gun, she’d go to him instead of just relying on the gun seller. Mac would be more objective, more concerned about her safety.

So when Friday did come, and Mac pulled up in his Scout, Cassidy had already been awake for hours. She’d changed clothes three times. Shorts, then a romper, then back to shorts. She’d debated a dress but realized she would be in crawl spaces on a boat, so shorts and a T-shirt, it was. She slid a wide white headband on with her boat shoes and left the bedroom where she’d been sleeping since Mac had instructed her to do so.

Cassidy met him out on the porch skirt, Fred bouncing between them like a jumping bean, sensing an adventure. She gave Mac an ironic look. “He used to be so calm.”

Mac responded, “He wasn’t; he was alert.”

“So now you’re saying he’s broken.”

“No, he’s not broken. He doesn’t have to be as on guard.” He looked at her pointedly.

“The way you say that makes me feel bad.”

“It should make you feel good.” He reached out and chucked her under the chin. “You’re doing good.”

Ridiculous to experience a rush of giddiness over his approval, but she did. Heat rose to her cheeks.

Mac took a step back with a shake of his head. “Fuck’s sake, Day.” But his dark eyes were light with humor.

Pushing past him, she scolded with no small amount of humor of her own and a huge amount of personal satisfaction for affecting him, “You are unbelievable.”

He grabbed her around the waist and dragged her back to him, pressing his lips to her temple. “You know what I am.” His hand caressed her through her shirt, eliciting a moan from her. Satisfied by her response, he sighed. “But we need to see a man about a boat.”

Great. Her body was all primed by his touch, and he releases her.

She climbed into the passenger’s seat of the Scout, immediately assailed by the scent of coffee and croissants. She bit her lip to keep herself from exclaiming her love out loud. Not because she meant it, but because he’d thought ahead enough to supply them with snacks for the trip down. He did like to feed her and she was impressed that he remembered her favorite pastry. Instead, it came out as a hearty, “Oh my god, thank you!”

He chuckled, checked Fred’s situation in the back seat, and started the vehicle. “I think I know you well enough to know you live off coffee and wine.”

“And your mac-n-cheese,” she added, helping herself to the thermos as he backed out. She caught a triumphant glint in his eye.

Settling herself with the coffee, glancing out the window at the road ahead of them, she asked, “What do you know about this boat we’re going to see?”

“It floats.”

“Mac.” She tossed him an exasperated look, but he was smiling.

“What? Figured that’d be the most important part.”

“You’re funny.”

He answered, “It’s a thirty-one-foot Viper. It has an interior; kitchenette, bed.” Glancing over at her, he expanded, “King-sized bed.”