Page 120 of Holding On to Day

“Got me there.” Literally caught out.

“Do you know a guy there named Ronan? Roman?”

“Roman.” Mac straightened. “Why?”

“She really knows someone named Roman?” His voice went up an octave.

Mac understood the disbelief. “Met him in the bar about a week ago, why?”

“No reason. She mentioned talking to him. I was hoping he was real, and she hadn’t made him up. But if you know about him, then he’s real.”

“He’s real.” Mac’s gaze narrowed as he stared through the screen.

“Awesome. That’s awesome.”


“Glad she’s finding interest in someone again.”

Mac’s brows went up. “Interest.” Mentioning and interest were two different things.

“Yeah, it’s good for her; I’m proud of her.”

Mac again pulled the phone away to look at it, this time with a touch of murderous intent. Putting it back to his ear, his mood darker than before Jason had called, he asked, “That all you called for?”


Mac glowered into the distance, waiting.

Jason was quiet, too. Then, “Look, Mac, I know things are getting heated with the family. The legal talk, I know it sounds one-sided, but it’s not. We’re not against you. It’s just—”

“Not talking about this with you.”

“Ah, fuck, Mac, you gotta talk to me. I’m trying to help you, man. Let me help you.”

“I think you’re getting enough merit badge points with Cassidy.”

“Fuck you, that’s not what I’m talking about, you stubborn fuck.”

“I have the number to the Veterans Crisis Hotline, brother; sleep well.”

“Mac! That’snot fucking funny!”

“Do what you need to do, Jason,” Mac said coldly. “Don’t ask for my permission or my blessing.” He hung up.

Fuck!Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“Fuck!” he screamed into the small cabin. His small piece of shit cabin.

He grabbed his keys.

A woman. Whiskey.

Chapter thirty-nine
