Page 35 of When I Found You

Her words strike my own insecurities. “Why do you say that?”

“His prior string of girlfriends were complete idiots. Pretty faces with empty heads.” She sticks her tongue out in disgust. “I mean, I get it. He’s focused on his career. His buildings are his children, so he’s not interested in tying himself down to a real family.”

Disappointment tugs at my conscience, which I shove away.

“It’s sad, really. To see him so successful and yet at the end of the day, he has no one to share it with.” She swirls the wine in the glass and shrugs.

“He has you.” I counter. “And Rob.”

Marcy tilts her head and fixes her blue shadowed gaze on me. “It’s not the same as having a loving wife, maybe some kids.” She sighs. “I shouldn’t talk. After my shitty marriage ended in flames, you would think I’d be against the whole institution.”

“I understand the feeling.” The alcohol loosens my inhibitions, but with Marcy, I find it so much easier to forget the reality of my situation. “My ex broke up with me three weeks before Christmas.”

“Wow. What an asshole.” Marcy shakes her head.

“Yeah. I mean, it had been over for a while, but I had so much invested in him and kept hoping it would get better.” The memories assault me, and I bat them away angrily. “It never did.”

“Yeah. Sounds like my ex.” She raises her glass in a toast. “To new beginnings. Fuck those boys who couldn’t handle how awesome we are.”

“I’ll drink to that.” I drink deeply. “This year is already shaping up to be better than the last, although that doesn’t mean much. Last year was hell.” I tick the reasons off on my fingers. “I lost my job, my mom died, and asshole left me high and dry.” A harsh laugh escapes. “I should be thankful for the last one though.”

“Oh honey.” Marcy rests her hand on my knee. “I’m so sorry about your mom.”

“She’d been sick for a while.” My voice cracks. “We knew she didn’t have much time left. But damn it all if life had to kick me at my weakest moment.”

“That’s the worst. Come here. You need a hug.” Marcy embraces me.

I relax against her, the scent of Aquanet tickles my nose and tugs at my memories. I can almost picture mom holding me close, telling me it’ll work out in the end. The brutal pain of the last year slowly ebbs into acceptance. It feels good to vent and get it off my chest. I didn’t realize how much I missed having someone to talk to and trust.

When we break apart, she fills our glasses. “So, I have to know. What is going on with you and Arthur? He seemed a little pissy earlier.”

I wave my hand. “Honestly, I don’t know. One minute he’s distant, the next he’s thoughtful and kind.”

“Sounds like Arthur.” Marcy heaves a dramatic sigh. “He wouldn’t recognize a good thing if it slapped him in the face.” She grins. “I guess I’ll take it as a good sign he hasn’t kicked you out of his apartment yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“He never lets anyone stay here. Even when I separated from my ex, he didn’t offer to let me stay with him.” She chuckles. “Not like I would have. He’s impossible to live with, and I’m much too free-spirited to share a space with a control freak.”

Her admission hits me square in the chest and steals my breath. “He’s only doing it because he feels guilty for knocking me out.”

“Yes, that’s probably true. Or it was in the beginning.” She props her elbow on the back of the couch and leans her head on her hand. “I almost offered to let you stay with me, but seeing him all twisted up and tripping over himself over having to take care of someone other than himself, well, it’s good for him to step outside his own perfect box once in a while.”

A snort-laugh escapes before I can stop it. I clap my hand over my mouth.

“I’m an evil genius, I know.” She winks. “I half-hoped he’d be in love with you by now.”

“We met last week!” I gape at her. “You didn’t know anything about me.”

“Honey, it’s my job to be able to read a client’s personality and find their perfect fit. This extends to matchmaking.” She laughs at the stunned expression on my face. “Chemistry, baby. That’s all it is. When you try on a dress and its instant love, the same thing applies to people.”

I snap my jaw closed. “I’m not sure whether to be horrified or impressed by your confidence.” She’s right about the chemistry between us, but Arthur overcoming whatever hurdle he’s erected between us has proved to be damned irritating.

“He’s being stubborn, isn’t he?” Marcy groans.

“Yes.” I finish the wine and set the glass aside. “After we kissed, it’s like he’s actively trying to keep me as far from him as he can.”

“You kissed?” Marcy damn near spills her wine. “When the hell did this happen?”