“I’m not sure what the hell you’re talking about.” He leans back and studies me carefully. “But it seems I could use a bit of help at the office. My secretary quit this morning and the temp agency is shorthanded.”
“No problem. I can handle it.”
A wicked grin crosses Arthur’s lips and I’m transported to the dream instantly. My heart pounds and my appetite for dinner is replaced by something much more carnal.
“Oh, I’m sure you can, Kate.”
I walked into that one, and I don’t regret it. But I’m about to see my dad again. This now overshadows the longings I’d much rather not inspect too carefully.
Chapter Eight
Those springs are lethal. I don’t know if I can spend one more night on the torture device also known as my sofa. It’s barely six thirty, and I’m already up with a cup of coffee staring out the window. The blue haze of dawn breaking into a cacophony of orange and pinks lays over the horizon.
I debate leaving her at the apartment again, even though I agreed to her insane plan. Truth is, I’m not against having her in the office. I could use the help. The real concern is how the hell I’m going to function with her being a physical distraction in my space all day.
There is no logical reason for this attraction. I mean, of course, she’s gorgeous as well as quick witted. I even enjoy the way she challenges me rather than accepting her fate meekly. But none of this explains the chemistry building between us. It’s been forty-eight hours since we met, for Christ’s sake.
The alarm rings in the bedroom. I pour a second cup of coffee and take it in hoping it will entice her to get up.
The bed’s empty. I turn off the alarm and knock on the bathroom door.
“I’ll be done in a minute,” she calls out.
“Take your time,” I shout back. “I brought you...” The door opens and my eyes drift over the woman standing before me. Kate’s wearing a black pencil skirt and a flowy green blouse with a wide belt tucked around the narrowest part of her hourglass figure. Her dark curls are tamed in a bun and loose tendrils frame her face. I don’t know what kind of witchcraft my sister utilized, but holy shit, the transformation is night and day.
“Coffee.” She sighs with contentment and takes the mug from my hand. “Thanks.” The look on her face as she sips the brew is pure bliss.
I’m half-jealous of a coffee mug the way her lips press against the porcelain. Would they taste sweet with a hint of the earthy caffeinated beverage? Ignoring the persistent fantasy, I clear my throat.
“We leave at seven thirty.” Without waiting for her response, I push past her and shut the bathroom door creating a solid barrier between us.
Instead of allowing myself to think about Kate and this growing fascination, I run through the mental checklist for my day. I have two meetings with clients and one with the head of the development office. It will only be me today since Victor is out of the office for the remainder of the week. We can schedule a meeting for Monday morning to discuss plans for the month and assess the quarterly goals for the year.
Twenty minutes later, I’m showered, shaved, and dressed. As I fasten the watch around my wrist, my reflection in the mirror convinces me I’m prepared to face whatever the day may bring. When I open the door and find Kate sitting on the loveseat flipping through the paper, my confidence trips and falls face first into rush hour traffic.
“Do you have a coat that doesn’t look like it came from a thrift bin?” I cross the room and open the closet near the front door.
“Yes, your sister gave me one.” She stands and retrieves the oversized monstrosity I found her in.
“Why are you wearing this one then?” I frown. “It looks ancient.” I pull it toward me and check the tag. “It’s a man’s.” An unfamiliar pang of jealousy nags at the back of my mind.
“It’s much warmer.” She smiles and pulls the worn wool jacket around her shoulders. “Plus, it was my dad’s.”
“He’s probably freezing.”
A forlorn expression steals her smile and she drops her gaze. “Yeah.” She shakes her head. “Anyway, shall we go? I don’t want to be late on my first day.”
The moment passes as quickly as it arrived. “I’m sure your new employer will understand.”
I open the door, and she steps into the corridor, pausing to wait for me. Once we arrive at the ground floor, she grips my arm but quickly releases me.
“Sorry. I guess I’m more nervous than I thought.”
“About what?” I hold the door for her and we step out into the street. The bustle of the city surrounds us and as usual it invigorates me, breathing life into my routine.
She doesn’t respond. I turn to find her watching the people walking past the front of the building. Her wide eyes dart back and forth, her lips parted in awe.