Page 14 of When I Found You

I return to the living room and toss the clothes on her lap. Her eyes widen when she unfolds the fabric. The motion draws attention to the silken camisole as it slips over her shoulder revealing the tempting curve of her breast.

“I don’t need you freezing to death. Rob will kill me.”

“Thanks.” She stands up and the blanket falls away for a brief second as she struggles to wrap it around herself. The silk clings to the plush curves of her body.

With the effort of a saint, I turn and retreat into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

The sound of my bedroom door closing fills me with relief. I lean against the cabinet and set my water aside. My cock twitches as my mind replays the moment the blanket drops. I groan and adjust myself regretting I didn’t take the opportunity to relieve this sexual need when I was in the shower. As if it would have helped, I scoff.

After I finish the water, I flop down onto the couch where she made her little bed. The fabric is still warm and the tantalizing scent of her soap teases my nose. I close my eyes and visions of silk and lace sliding from Kate’s body fill my mind. I grit my teeth. Great, now I’m painfully hard.

“You tricked me.”

I open my eyes and Kate’s standing over me, her hands on her hips, my pajamas hanging from her luscious curves, her full lips upturned in a scowl.

“I didn’t trick you.” I shift a pillow across my lap to hide my uncomfortable situation. “Those pajamas are much more comfortable, aren’t they?”

Kate nods. “Yes, but I can’t take your bed.”

“You will.” I fix her with my most intimidating and unwavering stare. “Go. I’ll sleep here.”

She huffs, her cheeks flaring with color, and her eyes flashing with challenge. “Fine. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

When she moves to kneel, I launch to my feet and snatch her by the arm. “Why must you be so stubborn?”

She glares up at me and tries to wrench herself from my grip. “You’re the one who’s being stubborn!”

Damn it. I snatch her by the waist and lift her over my shoulder.

“Put me down!” She squirms and writhes trying to free herself. My arm bands her legs down to keep her from kicking.

After two steps she’s shouting profanities that would make a sailor blush. Without thinking, I bring my palm down hard on her ass. The satisfying crack echoes through the room. She stills completely.

“Now, settle down before I drop you.” I stalk the rest of the way into the bedroom and toss her onto the bed.

Her indignant grunt ignites a surge of pride. She’s a fighter, and I’m enjoying it much more than I should be.

“That’s not how you treat someone with a head injury.” She crawls to a sitting position on the bed and glares.

“You’ll live.” I jab my finger toward the bed. “Now, go to sleep.”

Her gaze drifts over me pausing halfway down my body. She gasps and her gorgeous eyes widen as they meet mine.

Shit. There’s no hiding it now. I prop my hands on my hips. “Is there a problem?”

She shakes her head so hard her curls obscure the blush creeping into her cheeks.

“I didn’t think so.”

As much as I want to join her in the bed and take full advantage of my situation, I turn and leave the room, slamming the door behind me.

I turn off the lights and settle on the couch, pulling the warmest blanket over me. Taking a few deep breaths, I attempt to cool the heat raging through me. My body reacts of its own will, and I smooth my hand over my cock. The movement only aggravates the need pummeling my system.

No. I refuse to succumb to this base sexual need. I don’t know her. She doesn’t know me. We are not friends. We’re certainly not lovers. And hopefully in a week, we’ll never cross paths again.

But as I lay in the dark staring at the ceiling, I hear my conscience whisper through the stillness. Is this what you really want? Or do you want to see where the other path leads?

Irritated, I roll onto my side. The other path can only lead to trouble. Curvy, soft, intoxicating trouble. Only a mad man would follow it.