With the music playing in the background, I find myself drifting off. Exhaustion plus the warmth of the blanket and his scent lull me into a contented state. I fall into dreamland and find my dad waiting for me.
He’s wearing a dark pinstripe suit with a crimson tie standing in the oversized window overlooking the city. A blinding smile transforms his dour expression when he sees me. I run toward him with my arms open. He scoops me up and spins me around.
I’m a little girl again. Clinging to him, I’m lost in the moment. He sets me down and holds my gaze. His eyes brim with love and pride. One blue while the other is nearly engulfed in amber. The eyes I see reflected in the mirror every day.
“I love you, Dad.” My voice cracks. “I miss you.”
“Me too, Peanut.” His joyful smile takes on a sad hue before he steps away. “Don’t cry. We’ll see each other again soon.” His outline fades against the sunset over the city until all I see is the imposing presence of the Empire State Building.
“Kate,” a familiar, imposing voice rumbles behind me.
I spin around and see Arthur leaning against the wall. The sunset plays across his features casting half of his face into shadow. He’s wearing the same suit as Dad, but it fits him differently. Broader, more powerful. Intimidating. Sexy as hell. He uncrosses his arms and stalks toward me.
My back hits the glass. He pins me against it. His scent, his heat, his presence...they disorient me. My heart races, and I fear it will tear free from my chest.
Arthur’s gaze drifts over me, a slow wandering perusal, before locking with mine. A crooked smile pulls at his lips. “You’re mine now, Katherine.” His hands grip my shoulders as he leans closer, his mouth a breath from mine.
Somewhere in the haze I hear my name. Before I feel the press of Arthur’s kiss, I’m tumbling through the darkness.
I wrench my eyes open to find Arthur staring down at me. His hands grip my shoulders. He sighs with relief.
“Thank God.” He releases me and rakes his hand through his hair. “I wasn’t sure you were going to wake up.” He stands and pulls his tie loose. “Must have been some dream.”
Consciousness slaps me in the face like a cold winter gust of wind. I sit up and shake my head.
“What do you mean?” I clear my throat.
Arthur tugs the tie from his suit and unbuttons the top of his shirt baring a hint of skin at his throat. “You didn’t want to wake up. Must have been a good dream.”
My face heats. “Yeah.” I turn my gaze away, unable to quell the thirst building at the sight of him practically doing a striptease compounded with the haunting memory of the dream kiss. Damn it.
“I’m gonna change.” He walks toward the bedroom, giving me a full view of his ass clad in fitted dress pants.
Sweet mother of Captain America, that ass.
“Would you please set the table? I brought dinner. Hope you like Chinese food.” He gestures toward the kitchen with one hand before disappearing into the bedroom.
I press my hands to my face. Yup. Flaming hot. I’m sure it’s a hideous shade of maroon. Great. Fanfuckingtastic. Is it possible to die from embarrassment? I don’t know if I can even have a conversation with him now. Not after a sinful, sexy dream starring him. These thoughts need to stop. He’s too old for me.
But is he really? The question pops unbidden to my mind flashing in big bold neon font. I need to be honest with myself. I’m stuck in 1985 indefinitely. Unless whatever powers that brought me here suddenly decide my time is up and they beam me right back to 2020.
I shake my head. No. There’s nothing there for me. Not now.
I sound insane. Why would I be better off in the past?
A million reasons, the voice in my head whispers. I shush it with a wave of my hand and climb from the comfy nest on the couch. Darkness has already fallen over the city. I blink a few times and glance at the clock. Six p.m. Holy shit! I slept the day away.
In the kitchen I gather plates and silverware. On the dining room table there’s an assortment of containers. I glance at the names on the top as I set the dishes on the table.
“I wasn’t sure what you liked. So, I got a few of the basics,” Arthur says from behind me.
Steeling myself, I turn and smile. “It looks great. Thanks.”
“I was going to call, but one of my meetings ran late.” He grabs a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and two glasses. “You want some?”