Doc answers, dressed in jeans, cowboy boots, and a long-sleeved black T-shirt. “Welcome, Joe. Brock.”
Dad tips his hat. “Doc.”
“Hey, Doc,” I say.
“Come on in.” He holds the door open for us. “Brittany! Could you get some lemonade for Mr. Steel and Brock?”
“I didn’t realize Brittany was here,” I say.
“Oh yeah. She helps me.”
“Who’s manning the business in town?” Dad asks.
“I have a list of veterinarians in neighboring towns who I keep on call when I have to be here.”
“That works out well for you,” I say.
“I do the same for them when they go out of town. Small-town vets like us need side hustles.”
“Indeed,” Dad says.
“Which is why I’m interested in what you have to say, Joe,” Doc says.
“Absolutely,” Dad says, “but before we get to that, Brock and I want to talk to you about buying some guard dogs from your business.”
“Yes,” Dad says. “We’re very unhappy with our present security company. We’re looking for a new one, and we’d like to add to our security as well. We’ve never used dogs before, but we’re animal lovers, as you know, and clearly your dogs are well trained.”
“I can certainly help you out there. You saw how well Jaws and Ferdinand reacted when you tried to come up to the house.”
“Jaws and Ferdinand?” I say.
“Guard dogs have names, of course.”
“Right,” I say. “I just thought the names were…interesting. I mean, Jaws makes sense. But Ferdinand?”
Doc laughs. “Brittany named him. She loved that cartoon about the bull when she was a kid.”
Interesting. If I recall from my own childhood, the story of Ferdinand the Bull has several themes, one of which is the ethical treatment of animals.
Which, in my humble opinion, doesn’t include electrocution.
Brittany arrives then, carrying a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses.
Doc smiles. “There you are, sweetie. Brittany makes wonderful lemonade. Just the way her mother used to.”
“Hello, Mr. Steel. Brock.” Brittany sets the tray on the small coffee table.
“Hello, Brittany,” Dad says. “It looks refreshing.”
Where the hell is my father? Not sure I’ve ever heard him use the word refreshing.
Of course, he’s playing a part, and I need to do that as well.
“Looks amazing,” I say. “Will you be joining us?”
Brittany’s cheeks redden.
She’s Rory’s age, or a year younger. At any rate, she’s older than I am.
“No, I’m busy in the kitchen.”
I give her my dazzling smile. “You should join us.”
“Well…” She glances at her father.
“It’s fine, sweetie. If you’d like to.”
“All right. I’ll get another glass.” She disappears back into the kitchen.
Doc Sheraton pours the lemonade into three glasses and hands one to Dad and then to me. “Please, sit down.”
“Thank you,” I say, taking a seat on the blue suede couch. Interesting decor.
Dad joins me and takes a drink. “Absolutely delicious. Thank you.”
“I told you.” Doc sits in an armchair adjacent to us. “I don’t know what I would’ve done all these years without my Brittany.”
“I’m sure it must’ve been difficult for you,” Dad says. “I can’t imagine having to raise my children on my own.”
“It’s been difficult, for sure,” Doc says, “but Brittany turned out great. I couldn’t be happier.”
Yeah, Brittany turned out great all right. Stealing drugs from your veterinary clinic, drugging Rory and Callie Pike, and then… Putting atropine in a baby’s diaper…
I draw in a breath and smile again. I’ve never been an actor, but I’m going to have to be one now. If only Rory were here to give me some pointers.
Brittany rejoins us, pours herself a glass of lemonade, and sits next to her father in another chair.
“So, about the dogs,” Dad says. “My security advisor says we should have about ten, and he says males are superior to females.”
Is Dad pulling this stuff out of his butt? But I’ve got to hand it to him. He’s a damned fine actor.
“That depends,” Doc says. “Female dogs tend to be better for personal guard dogs, due to their maternal instincts. Males are usually better for guarding property because they’re more territorial. But in truth, most dogs can be trained to do what you want them to do, regardless of their sex.”
Dad clears his throat. “I see. We’re more interested in guarding property, of course. So I’m thinking male dogs.”
“Of course. You have two options available to you, then. You can purchase fully trained dogs, or you and I can work together to train your dogs to your specifications.”
“I like that idea,” Dad says. “Tell me more…”
I know what Dad is doing. He chose that option because it will require him to work with Doc Sheraton closely. It’s a way to see what’s going on here on this property. It’s also a way to get Doc talking so I can deal with Brittany. Yes, my father is using me as bait with Brittany. I should be offended, but I know I can get what I need out of her.