“Four K for each of us,” Jesse says.

“Right, and it’s an even four,” Jett says, “because we take all expenses off the top first. Plus, there’s merchandising. We make more in merchandising than we do in ticket sales.”

“Yeah, but you’re a known entity,” I say. “We’re brand-new.”

“Once the crowd hears you? They’re going to want your merch,” Zane says.

“But those are costs we have to front,” I say. “What if we can’t?”

A throat clears behind me. “You can.”

I turn.

I know that voice.



“Brock!” Rory launches herself into my arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t stay away from you any longer.”

“How much of the conversation have you heard?”

“Enough to know I don’t want you to give this up.”

“Hey, guys,” Rory says. “This is my boyfriend, Brock Steel.”

“You’re kidding me,” I say. “Emerald Phoenix?”

“Jett Draconis,” Jett says, holding out his hand. “And this is Zane Michaels.”

“Wow. I’ve seen you guys in concert three times. I’m a huge fan. You rock.”

“Great to meet you. So you’re one of the Steels? The Colorado beef barons?”

“Guilty,” I say, my eyes widening. “Though I’m not sure we’ve ever been called that before.”

“Brock,” Rory says. “You’re not going to believe this, but Jett and Zane have invited us to open for them on their next tour.”

“Seriously?” My face splits into a wide grin. “That’s amazing, sweetheart. I just heard the part about you needing money to front some merchandising costs.”

“Yeah,” she says, “but we don’t have any.”

“You do now,” I say. “I’d be proud to invest in your band.”

“We’re not taking your money, Steel,” Jesse says.

“Who said anything about taking my money? I just said I’ll invest. I put up the money, and I get a return just like you guys do.”

“I’d be gone for six months, Brock,” Rory says. “Beginning in January.”

Okay, I hadn’t thought of that. I wrinkle my forehead. “Six months?”

“I know. I don’t want to leave you for that long.”

“So come along,” Jett says. “My wife comes with me.”

“It’s not that simple,” Rory says. “Brock has responsibilities to his family business.”

“You know what?” I say. “I think a six-month vacation sounds like heaven.”

“You mean you’d come with me?” She kisses my lips. “Seriously?”

“Sweetheart, that still gives my family a month and a half to clear up the other business.” He smiles. “Besides, haven’t I always said I’d follow you anywhere?”

“You have. I just never thought I’d go anywhere.”

“So let me get this straight,” Zane says. “You are a member of the band then, Rory? Because I’ve got to be honest with you: You’re a big part of the draw. The sound you and your brother make together, it’s charmed.”

Rory meets my gaze, her brown eyes full of love and devotion. If I asked her not to go, to stay with me, she would. Which is exactly why I’d never ask her. This is her time. She’s been here for me, and now she needs to shine, and damn it, I want to be there to see it.

“Yes,” she says, her gaze not wavering from mine. “I’m part of the band.”

“I love you, my little rocker,” I say.

“I love you too, Brock. So damned much.”

Our lips lock for a moment, and she opens for me, lets me sweep my tongue into her mouth.

We kiss for a moment, until throats clear behind us.

Rory breaks the kiss and wipes her mouth. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry on our account,” Jett says.

“I was thinking more about my brother.”

Jesse smiles. “Sis, if this guy makes you happy, then I’m happy. If I can get used to Callie and Donny, I can get used to just about anything.”

“When does the tour begin?” I ask.

“The first of the year, after the holidays,” Zane says.

“Good,” I say. “You’ll still be able to do your holiday concert.”

Rory bites her lip. “Could I ask you guys a favor?”

“What’s that?” Jett asks.

“It’s a huge favor, and we can’t pay you anything.”

“Just ask, babe,” Zane says.

I shoot some darts at him with my eyes for the babe comment.

“How would you like to play for no money at all in a cinema in a small town?”

Rory, Rory, Rory… I’ve got to hand it to my woman. She has more balls than most men I know.

“We just happen to be free until the tour,” Jett says. “We might be able to accommodate you.”

Rory shines. “You know any Christmas songs?”

Zane laughs. “We know them all.”

“It might give you a chance to stretch your operatic muscles as well,” Rory says. “I’m going to be singing a couple of arias, but it’ll mostly be musical theater pieces with Jesse.”

“Rory,” Jett says, “it would be an honor to sing with you.”

Happiness flows through me. Happiness that has nothing to do with me but with the woman at my side.

She’s glowing. Actually fucking glowing, as if the roof opened up and the sun is somehow shining through her.