“I’d like to meet him.” Jett smiles. “I’d like to meet the rest of the band as well.”
The bartender slides a large glass of ice water in front of me. I down half of it in one gulp. Then I turn back to Jett.
“Absolutely. I know they’d love to meet you too.”
“Where are they?”
“If I had to wager a guess?” I smile. “I’d say they’re somewhere being greeted by a drove of adoring fans.”
“Why aren’t you with them?”
“As much as I do like adoring fans, I’m actually in a very serious relationship right now. Besides, this is their night.”
“I’d say it’s your night as much as theirs.”
“Thank you. Thank you very much. It took me a while to get here, but maybe this is where I belong.”
“Rory, this is exactly where you belong. What do you mean it took you a while to get here?”
“I began as an operatic mezzo-soprano. But New York didn’t want me, so I hung out a shingle and taught piano and voice in my small hometown. Rock was always Jesse’s thing.”
“That’s my brother. Jesse Pike.”
“So you’re not a rocker.”
“I am. I came to that conclusion just tonight. I’m not an operatic mezzo. I’m not a classical singer. I’m a rocker. Through and through.”
“Glad to hear you say that, because you sure as hell look the part.” He smiles. “And that voice… It’s like Ann Wilson on steroids. Or if Karen Carpenter had been a rocker. That’s you, Rory. That’s you.”
I return his smile. “I’m not sure I’m worthy of that compliment. Those women were two amazing vocalists.”
“You’re worthy. I don’t say things like that for my health. And as you can see”—he waves his left hand at me—“I’m happily married, so I’m not trying to get into your pants.”
I laugh. “Not that I don’t find you attractive. I mean, you’re Jett Draconis. But that’s a welcome relief after the last two agents who approached us after the show.”
“They tried to bed you.”
“Yup, both of them. But at least one of them was honest. She said she wasn’t interested in signing any new acts, but she wanted a threesome. Can you even imagine?” I shake my head, shuddering.
“Ah… Selena.”
“Yeah, Selena Campbell. Do you know her?”
“Kind of.” He laughs. “She’s our agent.”
Warmth floods my cheeks. “Oh…geez.”
Jett takes a drink. “She’s great at her job. You said yourself that she was honest.”
“I suppose I can give her that.”
“She likes sex. She likes both men and women. And she especially likes threesomes.”
“I gathered.”
“But she’s crazy smart in business. Emerald Phoenix owes her a lot. I hope she didn’t scare you away from trying to secure representation.”
“Of course not. I mean, if you vouch for her…”
“I do. And I’m sure she loved you, but her book is full right now.”
“She did say we were great, and I didn’t get the feeling she was blowing smoke up my ass.”
“She wasn’t. In fact, it’s because of her that I’m here tonight.”
I raise my eyebrows. “So she did like us.”
“She did. And you are great, but a lot of bands are great.”
“Oh.” I try not to slump my shoulders. Here it comes. The brush-off.
“What took you to the next level, though, was when your brother put down his guitar and sang with you.”
“Oh? You liked that?”
“Are you kidding? The two of you are magical together.”
“Oh my God!” A huge smile splits my face. “I told him we would be.”
“That was your idea?” Jett raises his eyebrows.
“It was.”
“Rory, you took that band from great to mind-blowing.”
“Simply by taking my brother off guitar?”
“Your brother’s voice… Like I said, your two voices just go together. And man, can you guys rock.”
Cage approaches us. “Hey, Ror.”
“Cage, oh my God. How come you didn’t tell me this was Jett Draconis?”
“I wasn’t sure myself.”
“Jett, this is my cousin, Cage Ramsey. He’s our bassist slash keyboardist.”
“Man, is it great to meet you.” Cage holds out his hand.
Jett takes it. “Those were some mean ivories you were tickling, dude. I was telling Zane you’re as good as he is.”
Cage’s eyebrows nearly fly off his forehead. “Are you jiving me?”
“No. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t jive. You guys were amazing. Every one of you. The guitarist, the drummer. Every one of you freaking rocked it.”
“Man, this is like a dream come true,” Cage says. “I’m a huge fan.”
“Well, like I was telling Rory here, likewise. As of tonight, I’m a huge fan of yours as well.”
“What can I get you?” the bartender asks Cage.
“Whatever you have on tap. And something for my friend here.”
Jett shakes his head. “Nope. Everything the band wants is on my tab tonight. Because I want to talk to all of you.”
I freeze. Quite literally. I want to say something, but my mouth won’t move.
“Sure, man,” Cage says. “What do you want to talk to us about?”