She sighs softly. “I’m not sure what I ever did to deserve you, Brock.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. I’m serious, Rory. You focus on your father, and you call me if you need anything.”

“All right. Thank you for everything, Brock. And you call me too, okay? I want to know everything you find out, but more than that, I want to know you’re okay.”

“I’ll be fine, sweetheart. I promise.”

After ending the call, I grab my bag, hustle Sammy into my pickup, and make the short drive to my parents’ house. I drop Sammy off with Mom, who will be taking care of her while Dad and I are gone.

I give Mom a kiss on her cheek.

“You two be careful,” she says. “I don’t like any of this.”

“Neither do we, baby,” Dad says.

“Have you heard from Rory? How is Frank?”

“He’s doing well, Mom.”

“And Rory and Callie? How are they?” she asks.

“As well as can be expected. Rory is concerned. I think she has a hard time believing the doctors.”

“Who are his doctors?” Mom asks. “I can check them out for her. I still have some pull at that hospital.”

“That’s kind of you, but I’m sure the doctors are fine. Frank is out of the woods. For now, anyway.”

Mom nods. “I feel for Maureen and all her kids. It’s always difficult seeing someone you love vulnerable like that.”

“This may sound rude,” I say, “but I’m glad I didn’t go see Uncle Talon in the hospital.”

“Not rude at all,” Dad says. “And yeah, that totally sucked. I’m glad you didn’t have to see it.”

“It was hard on his kids,” Mom says. “Especially Dale, because the two of them are so close.”

My phone buzzes.

“Excuse me for a minute.” I walk into the kitchen.


“Brock, it’s Gordon Jackson.”

“Hey, any news?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry for not getting back to you within twenty-four hours as I promised.”

“Not a problem. My girlfriend’s father had a heart attack, so I’ve been pretty busy.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is he okay?”

“Things look all right so far. What do you have? Anything?”

“I have good news and bad news,” Jackson says. “The good news is, the speck of blood on the stem yielded a DNA sample.”

I gulp. “And the bad news?”

“It matches the bones, Brock.”

My stomach turns. “I see.”

“I know you were hoping those bones didn’t belong to the young woman.”

“Well, they had to belong to somebody. Human bones on our property aren’t a good thing, no matter who they belong to.” I scratch my forehead, but the throbbing itch doesn’t go away. “At least now we know. That poor young woman—who was in love and had her whole life ahead of her—was killed, and somehow her bones ended up buried on our property.”

“You said she disappeared from a hotel?”

“I believe the story goes that she was out shopping in Snow Creek and never returned.”

“I see. I wish there were something more I could do for you.”

“I appreciate everything you’ve done, and I appreciate your discretion. Send me a bill, and I’ll be sure that you’re compensated well.”

“I appreciate it. Thank you. And again, I’m sorry it took so long.”

“Not a problem.”

I end the call and walk back into the foyer.

Mom and Dad are embracing, kissing.

They still kiss like newlyweds.

I clear my throat. They separate.

Mom blushes. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s an amazing thing to have such passion after twenty-five years of marriage.”

Dad gives Mom one more kiss, this time on the cheek. “Ready, Brock?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”



Dad is alert now, and Jesse and I have left the room to allow Mom some time with him alone.

Callie and Maddie are down in the cafeteria, and Jesse and I are in the sitting room at the end of the hallway.

My brother and I are the closest to Dad. I love Jesse, but the sibling I’m closest to is Callie because we’re only two years apart in age. My brother and I are four years apart, he being the older, so he’s always treated me like an annoying little sister.

At least he did when we were kids. Now, we work together a lot when I sing with his band. We’ve gotten closer over the years, but we tend to talk only about work and music. Other than that, our conversations are a bit stilted.

So I’m surprised when he says, “So…you and Brock Steel.”


“I’ve got to tell you, sis. I didn’t see that one coming.”

I smile, feeling the warmth spreading over my cheeks. “I didn’t either. And I’m pretty sure Brock didn’t.”

“I don’t know him very well,” Jesse says. “He’s so…”

“Young?” I finish.

“Yeah, young. And…not the guy I really want with my sister.”

I shrug. “Well, he’s the one you’ve got.”

“Right. I’m not used to Donny Steel yet, and you give me Brock?”

“At least Brock wasn’t your high school rival,” I counter.

“I suppose.” Jesse shakes his head. “But he’s the worst of the lot. Of him, Donny, and Dave Simpson? Brock was the biggest playboy of them all. I swear to God, if he ever hurts you…”